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Peter Murray, son of the clever Lord Elibank, called and sat half-an-hour an old friend, and who, from the peculiarity and originality of his genius, is one of the most entertaining companions I have ever known. But I must finish Malachi. February 27. Malachi is getting on; I must finish him to-night.

We could see through their flimsy pretensions to originality much as a schoolmaster recognises the extracts from the encyclopaedia in his boys' essays. As with this Judas trade, so it is with other more important arts and sciences in this country. The old types descend, almost unchanged, from generation to generation. Everything that is really Mexican is either Aztec or Spanish.

To refuse the offer of the Spanish nation was the act of a blockhead of which I should not be guilty again." Indeed Fitch's fortune was hard. His invention was a work of the purest originality. He was unread, uneducated, and had never so much as heard of a steam-engine when the idea of propelling boats by steam came to him.

Canova was gentle and amiable, with a beautiful countenance, and was an artist of great reputation. Thorwaldsen had a noble and striking appearance, and had more power and originality than Canova. His bas-reliefs were greatly admired. I saw the one he made of Night in the house of an English lady, who had a talent for modelling, and was said to be attached to him.

Very likely Nora got her ability and originality from him. There did not seem to be a great deal in the phlegmatic, good-looking mother. "What say, wife?" asked Shelley at last. His wife had said in her slow way, "Leave it to Nora," and to Nora it was left. When she came in at last, her face stung to radiant beauty by the northwest wind, she found it hard to tell them after all.

The meagre lists of the kings of Wessex and the bishops of Winchester, which had been preserved from older times, were roughly expanded into a national history by insertions from Bede; but it is when it reaches the reign of Alfred that the chronicle suddenly widens into the vigorous narrative, full of life and originality, that marks the gift of a new power to the English tongue.

Deliberately to withhold education from a girl who was to inherit any property worth speaking of would be acting with such boldness of originality that Sidney could not seriously have attributed it to his friend. In fact, he did not know Michael until the revelation was made; the depths of the man's character escaped him. The struggle went all against idealism.

The gallery of Mellstock Church had a status and sentiment of its own. A stranger there was regarded with a feeling altogether differing from that of the congregation below towards him. Banished from the nave as an intruder whom no originality could make interesting, he was received above as a curiosity that no unfitness could render dull.

The Swedish Building is one of the most interesting architecturally, suggesting the fine originality of recent Scandinavian architecture. It is worthy of note too, that the Norwegian and Danish buildings strike a note of freshness that is in fine contrast with most of the foreign pavilions. In all three of these buildings there are small exhibits of painting and handiwork.

"Your man Miller certainly displayed considerable originality in his attempt to hide from the law. He had been aboard for some time. He plainly realized that about the last place detectives would ever think to look for criminals would be among the crew of a battleship. We always require references for any man we enlist, and always look up the references.