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The king recognized the composer at once by his style, and spoke in terms of approbation of the music, and the news was quickly conveyed by his friend to the anxious musician. This is the story of the origin of the famous "Water Music."

His face, which Nature had colored with a glistening black, was now mottled with the cold, and his large shining eyes filled with tears; a tribute to its power, that the keen frosts of those regions always extracted from one of his African origin.

For sixteen years, in fact, he held the office of Consul-General in Egypt, and the wonderful phenomena offered by the valley of the Nile appear to have strongly impressed his mind, to have directed his attention to all facts of a similar order which came within his observation, and to have led him to speculate on the origin of the present condition of our globe and of its inhabitants.

The first church or chapel, which stood on the same site as the present one, must have been a curious little structure, if one may judge from the illustrations still extant a low-pitched Gothic building with wooden belfry. This was dedicated to St. Mary, and the date of its origin is unknown.

What they do like, we believe, is to be represented by their foremost man, their highest type of courage, sense, and patriotism, no matter what his origin. For, after all, no one in this country incurs any natal disadvantage unless he be born to an ease which robs him of the necessity of exerting, and so of increasing and maturing, his natural powers.

The expensive vanity of the landlord made him willing to accept of this condition; and hence the origin of long leases. Even a tenant at will, who pays the full value of the land, is not altogether dependent upon the landlord.

I dislike this self-seeking attitude on his part, and my only wonder is that you do not perceive it. For the rest, my antagonism to Dr. Brayle is instinctive and has its origin far back perhaps in a bygone existence!" He listened to my words with attentive patience. "Well, I shall study the man more carefully," he said, after a pause; "You may be right. At present I think you are wrong.

I know nothing of his origin, except the fact of his being an Englishman, or what his first calling had been; but he had evolved among us from a house-painter to an organ-builder, and he had a passionate love of music.

A Tradition of the Origin of the Mythology of the Senecas. A Lox Legend. An Indian mischief maker was once roving about. He saw that he was approaching a village, and said, "How can I attract attention?" Seeing two girls coming from the wigwams, he pulled up a wild plum-bush and placed it upon his head, the roots clasping about his chin.

In examining the nature and origin of colours as the component parts of white light, the attention of Newton was directed to the explanation of the colours of natural bodies. His earliest researches on this subject were communicated, in his "Discourse on Light and Colours," to the Royal Society in 1675. Dr.