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An' p'raps we shall go to the bottom, all along o' our 'aving lost our ole bit o' tin. It's a orful thing to think of, ain't it?" said Cap'n Pigg solemnly. The mate appeared to be in a brown study. Then, as though he had suddenly been inspired, he exclaimed: "What about the grammarphone, Skipper?" Even in the midst of his perturbation, Cap'n Pigg looked askance at mention of the hated instrument.

That was the dress the garrulous old housekeeper had held up in her arms as though she were a clothes- prop, with the observation, 'It's orful wot the world's a-comin' to- -orful!

Fallows confidentially, and again lowering her voice impressively, "yeh see, 'is leg 'urt most orful at first, an' Benny cried to me, 'It's in me toes, mother, it's in me toes. 'Why, Benny, sez I to 'im, 'yeh hain't got no toes, Benny. 'That's w'ere it 'urts, sez 'e, 'toes or no toes. An' father 'e wakes right up an' 'erd w'at Benny was cryin', an' sez 'e, 'Benny's right enough.

"Please sir, she's all right, but she coughs 'orful!" "Coughs 'orful, does she?" repeated the Reverend John, musingly; "Ah, that is bad! I am sorry! We must let me think! yes, Bob, we must see what we can do for her eh?" "Yes, sir," replied Bob meekly, turning his cap round and round and wondering what 'Passon' was thinking about to have such a 'funny look' in his eyes.

She was well brung up and educated, and she larned my darters French the real Simon Pure for she was a Canadian, and her grandfather came from Gascony. But his fate vos a orful lesson. Benevolence, like an oyster-roast, is good for nothink if it's over done. And now, Samivel, my boy, a-jew, for I have a sworray this evenin', and receive half Beacon Street. A-jew.

"I kicks the footboard clean off when I has 'em bad, all along o' my losin' them three year! Why, yer got an orgind, hain't yer? Where's the handle fur to make it go? Couldn't I blow it for yer?" "It's a piano, not an organ; it doesn't need blowing." "Oh, yes, I see one in a s'loon; I seen such an orful pretty lady play on one.

"Dat's des w'at I lak ter know, fer I tells you, chile, dis mar'in' business orful serus." "He would take me only when I went to him of my own free will and not before. I feel just as safe with him as with you. I believe he would do what I asked just as he minds that general of his. That's the wonderful part of it, which almost takes away my breath.

"Mahs' Junius," she exclaimed, "Miss Rob's orful sick wid her back an' her j'ints, an' she say she can't see no kump'ny folks, an' Mahs' Robert he done gone away to see ole Miss Keswick. I jes run down h'yar to tell you to hurry up." Keswick started. "Where did you say your Master Robert had gone?" "To ole Miss Keswick's. He went dis mawnin'."

"Isaac, yer a cruel husband to me, an' there's no way fer me but the way I'm goin'. I didn't mean no 'arm, not at first, but there, wot's the good of talkin'? I can't bear the way as you speaks to me an' looks at me, an' I'll never go to prison no, never. It's orful fer the children ull 'ave no mother, an' I don't know however Arthur 'ull manage.

A sandy-haired, lisping child with chronic catarrh offered me a lot of pet <i>rats</i>! "I hear you like pets," she said, "Well, I've got some tame rats, a father and mother and thirteen little ones, and a mother with four. They're orful cunning. Hope you'll take 'em."