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Barere, by his suppleness, and his cold and evasive eloquence, was the model and oracle of the centre. He spoke at great length on the trial, reviewed it in all its bearings of facts, of laws, and of policy and furnished all those weak minds, who only wanted specious reasons for yielding, with motives for the condemnation of the King. From that moment the unfortunate King was condemned.

I welcomed her with open arms, thanking her for obliging me. The first piece of news she gave me was that Mdlle. Roman had become mistress to Louis XV., that she lived in a beautiful house at Passi, and that she was five months gone with child. Thus she was in a fair way to become queen of France, as my divine oracle had predicted.

The great chart of the Pacific was then spread out upon the table, and rarely has a chart been examined as this was, with the bleeding heart as well as the straining eye. The rough sailor became an oracle; the others hung upon his words, and followed his brown finger on the chart with fearful interest.

They witnessed the arrangement of the pulleys, and the manufacture of the thunders. They saw the natural faces and heard the natural voices of the actors. Distant nations looked on the Pope as the Vicegerent of the Almighty, the oracle of the All-wise, the umpire from whose decisions, in the disputes either of theologians or of kings, no Christian ought to appeal.

True is the oracle we read: 'Those who have sown oppression's seed Reap bitter fruit; their souls, perplext, Joy not in this world or the next. The brothers of my murdered boy, Who could a father's hopes destroy, An equal punishment will reap, And lasting vengeance o'er them sweep. They rooted up my favourite tree, But yet a branch remains to me.

The wise men all laughed, and there was some sense in the laugh that applauded the oracle. Tim Tyler and Bob Landers had both been carried to their homes. Bob escaped serious injury, but it was found that Tim was badly burned. "I felt it a good deal at the very first," he told Mr. Walton one day, "when, in going after my coat, I happened to open a door where the fire was, and it darted at me.

He sent again to the oracle, which now replied, "When a mule shall become king of the Medes, then thou must run away, be not ashamed." Here was another enigma of the oracle. Cyrus son of a royal Median mother and a Persian father of different race and lower position was the mule indicated, though Croesus did not know this.

Others say that the priest, desirous as a piece of courtesy to address him in Greek, "O Paidion," by a slip in pronunciation ended with the s instead of the n, and said, "O Paidios," which mistake Alexander was well enough pleased with, and it went for current that the oracle had called him so.

The best loved, and the best deserving to be loved, who had destined this incident to be the foundation of literary composition, died 'before his day' in a distant and foreign land; and trifles assume an importance not their own when connected with those who have been loved and lost. LONG the oracle of the country gentlemen of the high Tory party.

Edward plainly could be trusted to feel in his quiet way that the oracle must be a match for the priestess. "'Want' her, Jane? We wouldn't TAKE her." And as if knowing quite what he was about he looked at his wife only after he had spoken. His reply had complete success, to which there could scarce have afterwards been a positive denial that some sound of amusement even from Mr.