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My Abner was sech a spendthrift that he'd throw away a day's market prices down at the or'nary, but he used to expect the money from a parcel of turkeys to keep me in clothes and medicines and doctor's bills, to say nothin' of household linen an' groceries for the whole year round."

"It was wery much like an or'nary man of small size," said the seaman, "but it were too dark to make out its face. I know the figure of every soul in the ship by this time, an' I could swear before a maginstrate, or a bench of bishops, that the ghost is neither one of the crew nor a passenger." "Why didn't you speak to it?" asked Polly.

"It's time you were thinkin' about goin' home, I reckon, old Adam," remarked Mrs. Bottom. "You've had yo' two glasses of cider an' it ain't proper for a man of yo' years to be knockin' around arter dark. This or'nary is goin' to be kept decent as long as I keep it."

Reckon he were too or'nary to trail with thu bunch an' cut hisself out; ketched him in thu cow paddock." Douglass carefully selected a cigarette paper and reached for the tobacco pouch. The hand that held the lighting match was very steady. "How do you size it up, Red?" "Matlock," said the other, tersely. "Thu bars were not only down, but dragged away more'n a rod.

'Ten years now I've been range-ridin' all this yere ranch, a-doin' o' my little feeble, or'nary best to clean out the mouths o' you men an' purify the atmosphere o' God's own country, but I ain't made one convert. I've pounded 'em an' booted 'em, an' busted 'em an' shot 'em up, an' they go on cussin' each other out harder'n ever.

Zebedee Marvyn set his face as a flint, and said, "He went out from us because he was not of us," whereat old Candace lifted her great floury fist from the kneading-trough, and, shaking it like a large snowball, said, "Oh, you go 'long, Massa Marvyn; ye'll live to count dat ar' boy for de staff o' your old age yet, now I tell ye; got de makin' o' ten or'nary men in him; kittles dat's full allers will bile over; good yeast will blow out de cork, lucky ef it don't bust de bottle.

"What the deuce are they at?" he cried, peering through the darkness. "Huh!" grunted Mandy. "Them's curs all right, but they ain't much dog. You wait till I see them fellows. They'll pay for this, you bet!" "Do you mean to say these are not dogs?" cried Cameron, speaking in her ear, so great was the din. "Dogs?" answered Mandy with indignant scorn. "Naw! Just or'nary curs!

"Well, sur, you have rendered we some help this hevenin', both in the way o' pickin' out the ball an' helpin' to break skulls as well as preventin' worse, so we can do no less than show 'ee the road; but hark 'ee, sur," here the man became very impressive, "ef you do chance to come across any of us in your travels, you had better not knaw us, 'xcept in an or'nary way, d'ye understand? an' us will do the same by thee."

There you are, sir; might shave in 'em!" "How much to pay?" "Vell, gen'lemen usually gives me a penny, but that's in or'nary cases. Ven I has to shine boots like a pair o' ships' boats I looks for suthin' hextra though I don't always get it!" "There you are, my lad," said the captain, giving the boy something "hextra," which appeared to satisfy him.

It's only my express train as goes at that rate. Other expresses run between forty and fifty miles, an' or'nary trains average about thirty miles an hour goods, they go at about twenty, more or less; but they varies a good deal. The train I drives is about the fastest in the kingdom, w'ich is pretty much the same as sayin' it's the fastest in the world, ma'am.