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But in truth that ignorant optimism, that cheap content with the actual, was a sure proof that things were at their worst; for

Now, what are the secrets of this courageous and energetic optimism? Perhaps, if we explore the life of this great apostle, and seek to discover its springs, we may find the clue to his abounding hope. Roaming then through the entire records of his life and teachings, do we discover any significant emphasis?

The result has justified their optimism; though there were to be many years of small things and limited means before the fulfillment of this early vision.

How can we ever show our gratitude?" "Not so fast!" I reproved him. "There is danger in too much optimism. The disease is treacherous." "But Miss Peters, the nurse she sees it, too! There can be no doubt. Our little Virginia is saved! You have done it!" I shook my head. "Not I." "Not you? Who, then?"

The eyes and prominent temples of the idealist supplied the answer. Deacon Hooper was a New Englander, trained in the bitterest competition for wealth, and yet the Yankee in him masked a fund of simple, kindly optimism, which showed itself chiefly in his devoted affection for his wife. He had not thought of his age when he married, but of her and her poverty. And possibly he was justified.

And let us never be afraid of innocent joy; God is good, and what He does is well done; resign yourself to everything, even to happiness; ask for the spirit of sacrifice, of detachment, of renunciation, and above all, for the spirit of joy and gratitude, that genuine and religious optimism which sees in God a father, and asks no pardon for His benefits.

He believed that the day would come when "there will be no war, no crimes, no administration of justice, as it is called, and no government." There will be "neither disease, anguish, melancholy, nor resentment. Every man will seek with ineffable ardor the good of all." Human optimism could go no farther. It is not surprising that his book made a stir in the political world.

Every golden moment is an opportunity for him to step out from the shadows into the sunshine. Optimism sees opportunity in the ordinary jog-trot of daily duty. One of the most valuable assets which we can possess is the ability to mold from the adverse circumstances about us our opportunities. And "a wise man," says Bacon, "will make more opportunities than he finds."

"Your faith, your optimism, your dreams in the face of the awful facts of life, and with it a tenderness of sympathy I never thought in you, have been a revelation to me. I feel more and more ashamed of the years I have wasted." She said this very tenderly, while Gordon unconsciously tightened the grip of his big hand on her arm, and then went on as though she had not spoken.

She liked him for his wholesomeness, and she frequently declared that he was worth all the doctors in the country because of the impression of health and optimism which he bore with him. But she was aware that Dorothy liked him, too, and so presently made an excuse to leave the two young people together.