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Rolles took up and worded further to the man, for the sake of emphasis; and he, rather than Elizabeth, was guilty of the half-start at sight of the persons who were approaching. 'My nephew, you should know, is intended for a working soldier, said Lady Camper; 'I like that sort of soldier best. General Ople drooped his shoulders at the personal compliment. She resumed.

The astronomer, looking at the crusty jag and scoria of the magnified moon through his telescope, and again with naked eyes at the soft-beaming moon, when the crater-ridges are faint as eyebrow-pencillings, has a similar sharp alternation of prospect to that which mystified General Ople.

By express arrangement, the card of General Wilson Ople, as her nearest neighbour, followed the card of the rector, the social head of the district; and the rector was granted an interview, but Lady Camper was not at home to General Ople. She is of superior station to me, and may not wish to associate with me, the General modestly said.

As for Lady Camper, she had been floated accidentally over the ridicule of the bruit of a marriage at a time of life as terrible to her as her fiction of seventy had been to General Ople; she resigned herself to let things go with the tide.

The General smiled. The smile was meant for propitiation and sweetness. It became a brazen smile. 'Unless you wish to step back, said she. 'Indeed, no. I am happy, Lady Camper. My life is yours. I say, my life is devoted to you, dear madam. 'Angela! General Ople was blushingly delivered of the name. 'That will do, said she.

And no apologies, if you please; I like you well enough as you are. There is my hand. General Ople understood her last remark. He pressed the lady's hand in silence, very nervously.

General Ople was too loyal a gentleman to think of any other road. Still, albeit not gifted with imagination, he could not avoid the feeling that he had set his face to Winter. He found himself suddenly walking straight into the heart of Winter, and a nipping Winter. For her ladyship had proved acutely nipping.

'Something worthier than that, said Lady Camper, pencilling outlines rapidly on the margin of a book, and he saw himself lashing a pony; 'or that, and he was plucking at a cabbage; 'or that, and he was bowing to three petticoated posts. 'The likeness is exact, General Ople groaned. 'So you may suppose I have studied you, said she. 'But there is no real likeness.

Your look signified that you really could not detect a single freckle for the paint. I forgave you, or I did not. But when I found you, on closer acquaintance, as indifferent to your daughter's happiness as you had been to her reputation... 'My daughter! her reputation! her happiness! General Ople raised his eyes under a wave, half uttering the outcries.

A note was handed to General Ople, with the request that he would step in to speak with Lady Camper in the course of the evening, or next morning. Elizabeth waited till his hat was on, then said, 'Papa, on my ride to- day, I met Mr. Rolles. 'I am glad you had an agreeable escort, my dear. 'I could not refuse his company. 'Certainly not. And where did you ride?