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Every day the need of energy took him more by surprise. The image-graving and project-building characteristic of opium, which comes on with a sense of genial radiation from the epigastrium about a quarter of an hour after the dose, had not yet so entirely disappeared from its effect on him, as it always does at a later stage of the indulgence.

It was in Oxford that De Quincey began the use of opium; to relieve the pains of neuralgia, and the habit increased until he was an almost hopeless slave to the drug. Only his extraordinary will power enabled him to break away from the habit, after some thirty years of misery.

"Nothing much," said Sowerby, scanning his notes, "that you don't know already. There was some very good stuff in the place Oriental ware and so on, a library of books which I'm told is unique, and a tremendous stock of opium and hashish. It's a perfect maze of doors and observation-traps.

So if the torpor, which ushers in an ague fit, is catenated with the lunar day: it is known, when the bark or opium must be given, so as to exert its principal effect about the time of the expected return. Solid opium should be given about an hour before the expected cold fit; liquid opium and wine about half an hour; the bark repeatedly for six or eight hours previous to the expected return.

You can live on that for many hours, but it is a bad thing to feed on, of course, for it must leave after-effects more hard to overcome than those of opium. Little d'A , of the French Legation, swears he never feels hungry at all so long as the firing continues....

I thought of poison, somehow, and more so than ever as I reached over to see if there was any coffee left, for my throat was dry as a piece of pine board. There wasn't, but at the bottom of the pail were two or three little sticky brown dabs. I tasted the stuff. It was opium. I know, for I've used it in sickness. I stumbled out to get the air.

Filling her hookah with tobacco soaked in opium, she spent the greater part of the night in smoking, dulling thus the sufferings of her soul, and seeing through the clouds about her the beautiful young head of her late lover. "What a glorious book to write, if I were only to express my pain!" she said to herself. "But it is written already; Sappho lived before me. And Sappho was young.

An undefined but very slight odour, that told her of opium smoke, pervaded the stairs that night. It was the only refuge from fretfulness; but her heart ached for her father, herself, and most of all for her little brother. And was she to be cut off from her only counsellor? 'Seemed to the boy some comrade gay Led him forth to the woods to play. SCOTT. Though it was the Derby day, Mr.

Change of food may at times be sufficient to create a specific modification that is to say, to affect all the individuals whose food is so changed, in one and the same way whether as regards structure or habit. So we see that opium, tobacco, alcohol, hasheesh, and tea produce certain effects upon our own structure and instincts.

At Calcutta, no man's word is taken, but every package landed or shipped must actually pass through the Custom-house. Even opium purchased from Government, and delivered to the purchaser from a Government warehouse, is subjected to this annoying process.