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On the sidewalk Larry glanced swiftly around him. Half a block down the street on the front of a drug-store was a blue telephone flag. A minute later he was inside a telephone booth in the drug-store, asking first for the Hotel Grantham, and then asking the Grantham operator to be connected with Miss Maggie Cameron. There was a long wait.

No operator is needed on the ship, the shore stations locating the ships by a system of tunings. It is proposed to install this system on the leading liners, and the home office can thus know at every moment the exact position of a ship and note her progress as she moves along her course.

I then went over to the telegraph office and introduced myself to its occupant as a brother operator. He invited me inside the office, and asked me to make myself at home.

With strange intensity of purpose she brought each one to mind, and thought separately and earnestly over her. What melancholy facts this exercise revealed! She could not recall one girl who was happy, perfectly happy, unless it was Jane Silvey who ran off with and married a telegraph operator.

The businessman walked out and Tilton went over to the deAngelis board. "Anything?" he asked. "Nah," said King. He pointed to the lights, "Just lovers' quarrels tonight; all pale pink and peaceful." Tilton smiled and ambled back to the cell block. The operator put his feet up on his desk, then frowned and put them down again.

In great detail Guglielmo Marconi, on April 25th, explained the operations of his system and told how he had authorized Operator Bride of the Titanic, and Operator Cottam, of the Carpathia, to sell their stories of the disaster after they came ashore. In allowing the operator's to sell their stories, said Mr. Marconi, there was no question of suppressing or monopolizing the news.

Dispatches sent to Grant for information concerning his command was never delivered to him, but were delivered over to the rebel authorities by a rebel telegraph operator, who shortly afterward joined the Confederate forces. Many years after the war Gen.

When the F-94 was at 20,000 feet, the ground controller told the pilot to turn to the right and he would be on the target. The pilot started to bring the F-94 around and at that instant both he and the radar operator in the back seat saw that they were turning toward a large bluish-white light, "many times larger than a star."

The train was held for five minutes and it was learned that nobody had been seen at the station there at three in the morning, as the night operator and station master were away, there being no passengers to get on the train bound West. Maurice Vane was much disturbed and did not know what to do. "To go back and look for them at Snapwood may be a mere waste of time," said he.

Think the reporter heard a tire blow out on Pennsylvania Avenue?" "Perhaps. Nothing to it, anyway," as he turned back to his work. As soon as the visitor had gone a sneering smile spread over DuQuesne's face and he picked up his telephone. "The fool did it. That will cure him of sucking eggs!" he muttered. "Operator? DuQuesne speaking. I am expecting a call this afternoon.