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Fully impress them with this idea, for the very good reason that they may stop when in the midst of an operation, and the fullest effects be lost. It is obligatory to do so on account of its evanescent effects, which demand that the patient be pushed by the operator's own energetic appeals to "go on."

Up in the operator's cramped quarters Luck was having a nervous chill and trying his best not to show it, and he was telling the operator to give it time enough, for the Lord's sake, and to be sure he had everything ready before he started in, and so forth, until the operator was almost as nervous as Luck himself. "Now, look here," he cried exasperatedly at last.

We were compelled to do our work in the mornings; in the afternoons everyone was drunk and limp and useless in the operator's hands. We slept and ate at the house of the presidente, an old mestizo of rather forbidding manners but kindly spirit. Our cases came rather slowly and a deal of coaxing, argument, and bribes were necessary to secure them.

If we are hindered the feet of our having wired to the governor of the state will be our first proof of having appealed to the state for protection. Can't you see that, Reade?" The pair now turned in at the operator's tent. "Operator," said Reade, to the young man seated before the keys on a table, "this gentleman man is President Newnham, of the S.B. & L. Send any messages that he dictates."

After the train pulled out, the wind shifted and the rain changed into a snow which, driven from the mountains, thickened on the wet window in front of the operator's table. A message came for the night yardmaster, and the operator, seeing the head-light of the switch-engine which was working close by, put on his cap and stepped out to deliver the message.

He rose quickly and started toward it, but Bannon was there before him. He hesitated, his hand on the knob. "Why don't you shut it?" snapped the superintendent. "I think I'll I think I'll send a telegram." "Here's a blank, in here. Come in." But Bannon had slipped out and was standing beside the operator's table.

The babies are very little and inoffensive and good, and it is hard that they should be used as a means of filling up gaps in conversation, and their features pulled to pieces one by one, and all their weak points noted and criticised, while they stand smiling shyly in the operator's face, their very smile drawing forth comments on the shape of their mouths; but, after all, it does not occur very often, and they are one of those few interests one has in common with other people, as everybody seems to have babies.

The elevator operator's wink had told him that the scientist had been on the fourth floor, where the project team was located. "Didn't you ever have your hair cut in the arcade shop, Dr. Morrison?" Rick asked. "No, Rick. I used a barber in a hotel nearby, one I've patronized for years." "But the other two did use the shop in the building," Scotty finished, "and Dr.

All dirt should be removed if practicable, so that the diagnostician's palms may come as nearly in contact with the inflamed structures as possible. Then, too, the sense of touch if the operator's hands are chilled, is not dependable. In such instances the novice will need to be deliberate as to his findings whether or not hyperthermia really exists.

"Hello, here's something!" cried Tom, as he got up from the operator's seat, where he had taken his place to test the various controls. "What is it?" asked Ned. "A button. A queer sort of a button. I never had any like that on my clothes, and I'm sure you didn't. Look!" and Tom held out a large, metal button of curious design.