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I was in this state when the printed copies of Oper und Drama reached me, and I devoured rather than read them with an eccentric joy.

Moreover, he had written the most enthusiastic letters in appreciation of my pamphlets, Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft and Oper und Drama. He maintained that the Karlsruhe Theatre was so poorly equipped, that he thought he could not well entertain the idea of a performance of my operas in that house.

Has any unpleasantness resulted from it? From Brussels I have heard nothing. Could you give me some news, or are you angry that I have troubled you with this affair? Anyhow I have no illusions as to Brussels. My very stout book is ready. Its title is "Oper und Drama." I have not yet a publisher; and as I must take care to get a little money for it, I am a little anxious about the matter.

It is universally known that these books in Ana are of little authority. We must be informed of all the circumstances of this pretended conversation before we can determine Grotius's meaning: one thing is certain, that he has proved the immortality of the soul by arguments drawn from reason in his treatise On the Truth of the Christian Religion . Ep. 20. p. 7. Ep. 14. p. 5. See also Oper.

For instance, during a series of successive evenings I read the whole of my longer work, Oper und Drama, written in the course of this winter, and was favoured by a steadily growing and remarkably attentive audience. Now that after my return I had secured a certain degree of peace and tranquillity of mind, I began to think of resuming my more serious studies.

The would-be teachers of the people scatter the seed irrespectively of the soil, and the attempt, however laudable, is ill-timed. The subsequent history of the Italian opera has been told by Wagner himself in the entertaining pages of the first part of his Oper und Drama, which should be carefully read by all who wish to gain a distinct understanding of his aims.

This work, a book of four hundred to five hundred pages, small octavo, entitled "Oper und Drama," has been ready these six weeks; but as yet none of the publishers to whom I wrote about it has replied, and my expectations at least of gain from this work are therefore very small.

The whole of this is in imitation of his two favorite authors, Sallust, who occasionally wrote in hexametrical measure as, "ex vir/tute fu/it mul/ta et prae/clara re/i mili/taris." Jug. V.; and Livy, who, if Sallust sometimes exceeded the number of feet, sometimes fell short of them, as in the opening words of the Preface to his History: "factu rusne oper/ae preti/um sim."

Learned Germans might shake their heads and talk about shallowness and contrapuntal rubbish, his crescendo and stretto passages, his tameness and uniformity even in melody, his want of artistic finish; but, as Richard Wagner, his direct antipodes, frankly confesses in his "Oper und Drama," such objections were dispelled by Rossini's opera-airs as if they were mere delusions of the fancy.

"Is it true that by an' by there could be an operator on that boy's eyes?" "Oper er oh, operation! Yes, there might be, if he could only get strong enough to stand it. But it might not be successful, even then." "But there's a chance?" "Yes, there's a chance." "I s'pose it it would be mighty expulsive, though." "Expulsive?" The young woman frowned slightly; then suddenly she smiled. "Oh!