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The Scots were oot oh, aye, and they had pipers to greet me, and there were auld friends that had settled doon in New York or other parts o' the United States, and had come to meet me. Scots ha' a way o' makin' siller when they get awa' frae Scotland, I'm findin' oot. At hame the competition is fierce, sae there are some puir Scots.

Oh bonny man, tak the fear oot o' my hert, and mak me ready just to walk aff o' the face o' the warl', weichty feet and a', to du yer wull, ohn thoucht twise aboot it!

'But, eh! what am I to du wantin ye, Kirsty? moaned her mother. 'Ye min', mother, answered Kirsty, 'hoo I wad be oot the lang day wi' Steenie, and ye never thoucht ye hadna me! 'Na, never. I aye kenned I had the twa o' ye.

"Ah wush we could hae a bit strathspey frae the pipes to march wi' to the kirk, foreby." Lawyer Ed's face became forbidding. "Eh, eh, and that to an elder? Div ye hear yon, Jock? It's the Heilan's comin' oot o' him!" Jock could not resist a sudden temptation. That strange twist came over his face, which heralded a far-off joke. He spoke very slowly.

That's charity real charity. But is it charity to do as some would do in sich a case as this? Here'll be a man I know coming tae me. "Harry," he'll say, "you're rich it won't matter to you. Lend me the loan of a ten-pound note for a few weeks. I'd like to be putting oot some siller for new claes." And when I refuse he'll call me mean.

I hinna missed a creelin' for thirty-five years, an' I wasna' gaun to miss Tam Donaldson's. I heard him goin' oot two or three minutes afore me. We're in for a guid day, for he telt me he had in two bottles for the spree." "That's a' right, then; I was afraid he wad maybe sleep in," and the two trudged on together towards the pit.

I 'll jist bide wi' 'im." "That will be very kind of you." "I s' bide wi' 'im till I see 'im oot o' this, ae w'y or ither," added Malcolm, and sat down by the bedside of his poor distrustful friend. There Mrs Stewart left him. The laird was wandering in the thorny thickets and slimy marshes which, haunted by the thousand misshapen honors of delirium, beset the gates of life.

He took one step towards Mr Cupples, who had restored his hands to his pockets and backed a few paces towards the door of the house, to guard against Alec's passing him. "Haud oot o' my gait, or I'll gar ye," he said fiercely. "I will not," answered Mr Cupples, and lay senseless on the stones of the court. Alec strode into the house, and the door closed behind him.

'I wuss ye war anither sic-like! he answered simply. 'Syne there wud be twa o' 's! she returned, leaving him to interpret. Silence again fell. 'Weel, what wud ye hae, Francie? said Kirsty at length. 'I wud hae ye promise to merry me, Kirsty, come the time, he answered; 'and that ye ken as well as I du mysel! 'That's straucht oot ony gait! rejoined Kirsty.

We've cleared awa the snow at the back for the prayer; ye 'ill get in at the kitchen door. "There's a puckle Dunleith men " "Wha?" cried Jamie in an instant. "Dunleith men," said Drumsheugh. "Div ye mean they're here, whar are they?" "Drying themsels at the fire, an' no withoot need; ane of them gied ower the head in a drift, and his neeburs hed tae pu' him oot.