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Bruno asked in an awe-struck voice. "Yes, they arrived together. The Other Professor is well, you won't like him quite so much, perhaps. He's a little more dreamy, you know." "I wiss Sylvie was a little more dreamy," said Bruno. "What do you mean, Bruno?" said Sylvie. Bruno went on addressing his father. "She says she ca'n't, oo know. But I thinks it isn't ca'n't, it's wo'n't."

There was no resisting such a strong hint as this: however, I pretended to think about it for a moment, and then said "Well, I like 'Ting, ting, ting, best of all." "That shows oo're a good judge of music," Bruno said, with a pleased look. "How many hare-bells would oo like?" And he put his thumb into his mouth to help me to consider.

Peters seed pris'ner a-comin' strite fer the camp across the sands from the river, sir. Peters sings out "Oo goes?" H'AND there been no notiss took, pints, sir. 'Yes, interposed Sunni, composedly, in his best English, 'he did. But he did not fire. And that was well, for he might have hit me. I am not broken. 'Go on, Jones, said the Colonel. 'This is very queer.

During all these visits he had scarcely a word to say, though he watched her and played absent-mindedly with Fay. Jane had contented herself with silence. Soon little Fay substituted for the expression of regard, "I like oo," a warmer and more generous one, "I love oo." Thereafter Lassiter came oftener to see Jane and her little protegee.

Thereupon the servant came into the room, and Sir Hugh, in an angry voice, desired him to open the front door. "Yes open vide," said Sophie, who, when anger came upon her, was apt to drop into a mode of speaking English, which she was able to avoid in her cooler moments. "Sir 'Oo, I am going to valk, and you shall hear of my valking." "Am I to take that as a threat?" said he.

At last he got out the words "I liked putting in the flowers for oo, Sylvie and I never was so happy before." And the rosy little face came up at last to be kissed, all wet with tears as it was.

Of a sudden he rose; he seemed all abroad. 'No! he cried. 'No! it can't be! It's too much; it's damnation. God would never forgive it. 'Well, and 'oo wants Him to? returned Huish, shrill with fury. 'You were damned years ago for the Sea Rynger, and said so yourself. Well then, be damned for something else, and 'old your tongue. The captain looked at him mistily.

"Did you hear that? He has insulted us all. He has called us sins." "Pinocchio, apologize for that, or look out!" "Cuck oo!" said the Marionette, mocking them with his thumb to his nose. "You'll be sorry!" "Cuck oo!" "We'll whip you soundly!" "Cuck oo!" "You'll go home with a broken nose!" "Cuck oo!" "Very well, then!

"Dunno oo you can trust then," said Amelia, tossing a still handsome head. "Anybody 'ud think the dogs was babbies, to hear you." "So they are to me as precious as, anyway. Look here, you just come and live 'ere, 'Melia see? An' we'll give yer five bob a week.

I always used ter do thet myself when me an' your poor father 'ad words. 'Oh, I'm all over in a tremble, an' my 'ead, oo, my 'ead does feel bad! 'I know wot yer want, remarked Mrs. Kemp, nodding her head, 'an' it so 'appens as I've got the very thing with me. She pulled a medicine bottle out of her pocket, and taking out the cork smelt it.