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Let Dundee, and Portuguese Hymn, and Silver Street hide their heads beside what we heard not long ago in a church just where I shall not tell. The minister read the hymn beautifully. The organ began, and the choir sang, as near as I could understand, as follows: Oo aw gee bah Ah me la he O pah sah dah Wo haw gee-e-e-e. My wife, seated beside me, did not like the music.

"Hands off; none of your impertinence, you vulgar, low people!" says Betsinda, walking off with her pan of coals. She heard the young gentlemen playing at billiards as she went upstairs: first to Prince Giglio's bed, which she warmed, and then to Prince Bulbo's room. He came in just as she had done; and as soon as he saw her, "O! O! O! O! O! O! what a beyou oo ootiful creature you are!

But I am happy to say that the present one is as near an approach to the elegance and poetry of the original as I have ever come across. BEDFORD PARK, April 20, 1894. In transcribing the Russian names into English a has the sound of a in father. er,, air. i,, ee. u,, oo. y is always consonantal except when it is the last letter of the word. g is always hard. IT was a quiet summer morning.

I told him I could not get up a tree without the sun to show me the way; when he came, I would try. "Kings seldom have wings!" I added. "King! king!" cried one, "oo knows none of us hasn't no wings foolis feddery tings! Arms and legs is better." "That is true. I can get up without wings and carry straws in my mouth too, to build my nest with!"

Half an hour later she slipped out, and along the street Gaga was waiting. He raised his hat a thing Toby would never have done if he had left her so recently and fell into step beside her. Sally shot a bright eye full of assurance. As Gaga showed himself nervous, so her assurance increased. "Where would you like to go?" asked Gaga. "Oo, you know better than ... I do," answered Sally, meekly.

"No," she began again and here she broke into English "fo' me I don' kyare; but, Père Jerome, 'tis fo' dat I came to tell you, dey shall not punizh my daughter!" She was on her feet again, smiting her heaving bosom with the fan. "She shall marrie oo she want!" Père Jerome had heard her out, not interrupting by so much as a motion of the hand.

Holden," said the doctor, looking from the front window. "Must we part from you so soon, Herbert?" said Mrs. Kent, affectionately. "Where oo goin', Herbert?" asked little Mary, clinging to his knee, "Herbert's going away, Mary," said he, stooping and kissing his little friend. "Herbert mustn't go 'way," said the little girl, in discontent.

Suddenly he withdrew his head, put on an angelic smile, tilted his plate so part of its contents sought refuge in the fold of Miss Mayton's dainty, snowy dress, while the offender screamed: "Oo ee ! zha turtle on my pyate! Budgie, zha turtle on my pyate!" Budge was about to raise the plate when he caught my eye and desisted.

"How should I, when no one repeats it to me?" "Oo, I trow it's a' stuff folk shouldna heed what's said by auld crazy kimmers. But there are some o' them weel kend for witches, too; an' they say, 'Lord have a care o' us! They say the deil's often seen gaun sidie for sidie w' ye, whiles in ae shape, an' whiles in another.

Your brother has come to me to help him, and has sent the little man out of Warwickshire. Is not that so?" "What the d is all that to me?" said Sir Hugh, who did not quite understand the story as the lady was telling it. "I will explain, Sir 'Oo, what the d it is to you, only I wish you were eating the nice things on the table. This Lady Ongar is treating me very bad.