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After five minutes more the light had faded, though not vanished, in the east and south, and the finest purple-red rose up in the south-west; one could imagine one's-self in Fairyland." All this, and a great deal more, was caused by the dust of Krakatoa! "But how how why?" exclaims an impatient and puzzled reader. "Ay there's the rub." Rubbing, by the way, may have had something to do with it.

Turn after turn was negotiated safely, first down into the bottom of the ravine and through the mountain torrent, then up the hillside again, mysterious zigzag after zigzag, and one had become reconciled to the jolting motion of the pony, the steady tramp of his tiny hoofs, and his heavy breathing where the path was steepest, and gave one's-self up to reverie.

Above, where all had been silent a moment before, everything was now bustle and excitement as Babila sprang from his horse and commenced to mount the long flight of steps, followed by myself and my companion. So steep were these stairs cut in the rock that an iron chain had been placed beside them by which to steady one's-self. "Are there again a thousand steps?" I asked Omar. "Yes," he said.

To put one's-self into a passion; to stroll out on a nocturnal frolic, and alarm a neighbourhood, or to create a disturbance in any shape, was to flare up. A lovers' quarrel was a fare up; so was a boxing-match between two blackguards in the streets, and the preachers of sedition and revolution recommended the English nation to flare up, like the French.

Three nights ago the thermometer did not fall below 72°, and last night it fell to 40°. There is a cold wind; and it was necessary to walk briskly to-day to keep one's-self warm. January 16th. Though I was able to send off the last despatches with something of a satisfactory report, we are by no means, I fear, yet out of the wood. I took a long walk in the city of Canton yesterday.

"What can I tell you except that your flight has filled the whole household with grief and consternation." "I knew it I was sure they would feel the gloom, but that was better than remaining a curse and a shame to them all, you know." "A curse and a shame, Miss French!" said Agnes, with dignity; "these are harsh words applied to one's-self. I hope you do not deserve them."

"Now, my dear Eddy, I think you have had quite as much as is good for you," said Lady Danby, shaking her fair curls at her son. "No, I haven't, ma. Pa, may I have some pine-apple!" "Yes, yes, yes, and make yourself ill. Maria, my dear, I wish you wouldn't have that boy into dessert; one can hardly hear one's-self speak."

If love at first sight were mutual, or to be conciliated by kind offices; if the fondest affection were not so often repaid and chilled by indifference and scorn; if so many lovers both before and since the madman in Don Quixote had not 'worshipped a statue, hunted the wind, cried aloud to the desert'; if friendship were lasting; if merit were renown, and renown were health, riches, and long life; or if the homage of the world were paid to conscious worth and the true aspirations after excellence, instead of its gaudy signs and outward trappings, then indeed I might be of opinion that it is better to live to others than one's-self; but as the case stands, I incline to the negative side of the question.

'W-h-o-y, ar thought you'd been a fox-hunter, observed Facey, seeing his guest's disconcerted look. 'Well, but bein' a fox-hunter won't enable one to sleep in a band-box, or to shut one's-self up like a telescope, retorted the indignant Sponge. ''Ord hang it, man! you're so nasty partickler, rejoined Facey; 'you're so nasty partickler. You'll never do to go out duck-shootin' i' your shirt.

"Such as the doing to others as one would have others do to one's-self, and the enacting of equal laws for rich and poor." "Then will Newfoundland never be developed," said the captain emphatically; "for history tells us that the bulk of men have never been guided by such principles since the days of Adam." "Since when were you enrolled among the prophets, Master Trench?"