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The science or the meaning is also a little obscure in this phrase, which occurs in one of the plays: "One heat another heat expels," as one nail drives out another, or as one love cures another. In a passage in "The Tempest" he speaks of the ivy as if it were parasitical, like the mistletoe: "Now, he was The ivy which had hid my princely trunk, And sucked my verdure out on't."

And the most beautiful horses you ever see, right from the Sultan's stable, wuz a-prancin' round. And one hundred Beoudins with camels and dromedaries added to the picteresqueness of the seen. And then we see Cleopatri's needle, that tall column a-risin' up to the sky, all covered with writin' worse than mine, and that's a-sayin' a good deal. I couldn't read a word on't, nor Josiah couldn't.

"Wilt thou amuse the poor gentleman with a song, love," said Harry, "for I fear he has but a dull time on't?" Fanny took the harp which stood in the corner she touched the trembling cords she commenced a Scottish melody; and, as Augustus listened to the music of her clear and silvery voice, blending with the tones of the instrument, it

"She's as well on't as she can be, under the circumstances. There's on'y one thing you could do. If you should be willin' to keep it dark t you've seen me, I should be real beholden to ye. You know there ain't no time to call in the neighborhood, an' such things make talk, an' all. An' if you don't speak out to Isabel, so much the better. Poor creatur', she's got enough to bear without that!"

Th' babby seems to have taken a mind to yo; and maybe in th' dark it might take me for yo if I'd getten your nightcap on. "The chambermaid smirked and went for a cap, but I laughed outright at th' oud bearded chap thinking he'd make hissel like a woman just by putting on a woman's cap. Howe'er he'd not be laughed out on't, so I held th' babby till he were in bed. Such a night as we had on it!

"Ay!" said his host, "I am that cure: so now thou canst guess why I said 'At their old tricks. My life on't they have wheedled my successor into remitting those funeral fees. You are well out of that parish. And so am I." The cure's little niece burst in, "Uncle, the weighing la! a stranger!" And burst out. The cure rose directly, but would not part with Gerard.

But you will be happy. The mild, bald gentleman will make you happy. He will lead you to the altar in spite of the light-complected woman with the blue bat on." Ardelia Tutt had on a blue hat, the idee! But I let her go on. Thinkses I, "I have paid my money and now it stands me in hand to get the worth on't." So she comferted me up with the hope of gettin' my Josiah for quite a spell.

For she's one o' them things as looks the brightest on a rainy day, and loves you the best when you're most i' need on't." Mrs. Poyser, you perceive, was aware that nothing would be so likely to expel the comic as the terrible.

The admiral, when he met Alice, exclaimed, "I've been pouring my broadsides into your father till I left him without a stick standing and every gun dismounted; if you give him a shot depend on't he'll strike his flag." The admiral's house commanded an extensive view of the Solent, looking across to Portsmouth, down the channel towards Cowes and up over Spithead.

"You've twice the sense of your sister, Master Thurstan, that you have. Boys always has. It's truth there will be more trouble, and I shall have my share on't, I reckon. I can face it if I'm told out and out, but I cannot abide the way some folk has of denying there's trouble or pain to be met; just as if their saying there was none, would do away with it.