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Dives was, in that instance, quite right in his remark; only we must remember he was not speaking to Lazarus. 'A dinner of herbs where love is, is doubtless quite sufficient for us; only there must be enough of it, and the herbs should be nicely cooked in an omelette.

It's what they are." "Well, it's what they'll always be if you keep on treating 'em that way!" Jimsy spoke hotly and his uncle turned amused eyes on him. "Don't let that Yaqui fill you up with his red tales!" "But you'll admit the Yaquis have been abused?" "Well, I believe they have. They're a cut above the peón in intelligence and spirit. But can't have omelette without breaking eggs."

All the inhabitants were old, ugly, smelly, and dirty; and they crowded round us as we devoured a magnificent omelette, endeavouring to incite us to do all sorts of things to the German women if ever we reached Germany. We returned home in the late afternoon to hear rumours of an advance next day. Three of us wandered into the Square to have a drink.

It now became Will's duty to wait upon people, as they sat to break their fasts in the little arbour at the top of the mill garden; and you may be sure that he kept his ears open, and learned many new things about the outside world as he brought the omelette or the wine.

"Really, I believe you're happy to-day." "Happy? I should tell a man! If the streets of Sequoia were paved with eggs, I could walk them all day without making an omelette." "It must be nice to feel so happy, after so many months of the blues." "Indeed it is, Shirley. You see until very recently I was very much worried as to your attitude toward me.

As she placed before us an imposing-looking omelette au lard, that rascal B., who had already swallowed two plates of soup and four large glasses of beer, began to maunder thus: "Sister Gabrielle, ... Sister Gabrielle, I don't want to go away to-morrow. I want to end my days here with the old people you look after. Look at me. I am getting old too, and have been severely tried by life.

"Oh, Monsieur Valmont, let me compose for you an omelette which will prove a dream," and she did. One should not forget that Louis XVIII himself cooked the truffes

In the morning they gave us café complet; at one o'clock lunch: meat, fish, some sort of omelette, cheese, fruits, and wine. At six o'clock dinner of eight courses with long intervals, during which we drank beer and wine. At nine o'clock tea. At midnight Ariadne would declare she was hungry, and ask for ham and boiled eggs. We would eat to keep her company.

He became, I thought, suddenly alert as he crossed my threshold. I arose to greet him. "This is " I had to glance at the card. "Yes and you're Major Blake? I regret to disturb you, Major," here his glance rested blankly upon the rich golden-brown surface of Clem's omelette, and it seemed to me that the thread of his intention was broken for an instant by a fit of absentmindedness.

How was her cold? How did she feel?" "Never better," Miss Darrell responded smilingly. "The sore throat and headache are quite gone, and I am ready to do justice to the nice breakfast which I see Emily has brought." She sat down to it chocolate, rolls, an omelette, and a savory little bird, with excellent and unromantic appetite.