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Eight several times were the jack-screws adjusted and the frogs clamped into position; but not until the ninth trial could the perverse wheels be induced to roll workmanlike up the inclined planes and into place on the rails. Ford looked at his watch when his special was free of the switches and Olson was speeding up on the first long tangent. With the chase still in its opening mile, Mr.

It was further understood that we were to act as a military organization under military rules and discipline I as commander, with Bradley as my first lieutenant and Olson as my second, in command of the Englishmen; while von Schoenvorts was to act as an additional second lieutenant and have charge of his own men.

Even Mary Burke, herself one of the working-class, spoke of the workers in this angry and scornful way. But Olson had faith in their manhood, and went ahead to awaken and teach them. To his mind the path was clear and straight. "They must be taught the lesson of solidarity.

I've got other fellows working, and I'm comparing 'em. For all you know, I may have somebody watching you." "Yes," said Hal, and grinned cheerfully. "I'll not fail to bear that in mind." The first thing Hal did was to seek out Tom Olson and narrate this experience. The two of them had a merry time over it. "I'm the favourite of a boss now!" laughed Hal. But the organiser became suddenly serious.

They would be forced to give way, and the tactics of solidarity would triumph. So Hal went on, recalling the things Olson had told him, and putting them into practice. He saw hope in their faces again, dispelling the mood of resentment and rage. "Now, boys," said he, "I'm going in to see the superintendent for you. I'll be your committee, since they've shipped out the rest."

This was his guess. He knew he might be wrong. "But I knew how violent he was," the fat man went on. "So I slipped my six-gun into my pocket before we started." "What kind of a gun?" Kirby asked. "A sawed-off .38." "Do you own an automatic?" "No, sir. Wouldn't know how to work one. Never had one in my hands." "You'll get a chance to prove that," Olson jeered. "He doesn't have to prove it.

"After they spotted you in the court-room," the farmer retorted. "An' how do I know you told all you know? Mebbe you're keepin' secrets, too." Kirby took this without batting an eye. "An innocent man hasn't anything to fear," he said. "Hasn't he?" Olson picked up a stone and flung it at a pile of rocks he had gathered fifty yards away. He was left-handed. "How do you know he hasn't?

It was as Olson had said a regular system to keep the men bedevilled. Hal took a minute or so to ponder the situation. "Mr. Cotton," he said, at last. "I know how to spell better than that. Also my handwriting is a bit more fluent." There was a trace of a smile about the marshal's cruel lips. "I know," he replied. "I've not failed to compare them."

In short, if our reading was anywhere near correct, we must have been traveling due south for six days. Bradley now relieved Benson, for we had arranged our shifts so that the latter and Olson now divided the nights, while Bradley and I alternated with one another during the days.

After the arrangement for the private detective to watch Hull had been made, Olson and Lane walked together to the hotel of the latter. "Come up to my room a minute and let's talk things over," Kirby suggested. As soon as the door was closed, the man from Twin Buttes turned on the farmer and flung a swift demand at him. "Now, Olson, I'll hear the rest of your story."