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Her cares and duties were soon increased. The habitations of the Plain du Nord became so disgusting and so dangerous as the pestilence strewed the land with dead, and the survivors of the French army became, in proportion to the visitation, desperate and savage, that Madame Oge was, at length, like all her neighbours, driven from her home.

His father's indignation knew no bounds; but his mother, on discovering the truth, was not without that pride and love which, are ever ready to form an apology for the feelings and errors of an only child. "You may all talk," she said; "but if Lamh Laudher Oge didn't strike him, he had good reasons for it.

"Are your eyes wet for me, my dear?" said Madame Oge, with surprise. "Let the storm burst upon me; for I am shattered and stricken already, and nothing can hurt me. But I shall remember your offer. Meantime, you may depend upon it, the news I told you is true the times I warned you of are coming."

He started, on observing the wild lustre of her eye, and the woebegone paleness of her cheek. "Ellen," said he, "how is this? Has any thing frightened you? Merciful mother! aunt, look at her!" The distracted girl sank before him on her knees, locked her hands together, and while her eyes sparkled with an unsettled light, exclaimed "John! John! Lamh Laudher Oge forgive me, before you die!

The O'Neil at this time Brian aspiring to restore the Irish sovereignty in his own person, was compelled to begin the work of exercising authority over his next neighbour. More than one border battle was the consequence, not only with Godfrey, but with Donnell Oge, his successor.

"Well, then, here is the receipt for laying the ghost: Marry her as soon as you possibly can to Brine Oge M'Gaveran do that and the ghost will never appear again; but if you refuse to do it I may lay that ghost of course but another ghost, as like it as an egg is to an egg, will haunt your house until she is married to Brine Oge.

Any white will tell you what the negroes did, so late as the year ninety-one how they killed their masters by inches how they murdered infants how they carried off ladies into the woods " A sign from the abbess availed to stop Madame Oge, even in the midst of a subject on which none usually dared to interrupt her.

These rights having been denied by the whites to the freeborn mulattoes, with every possible manifestation of contempt and dislike, an effort had been made to wring from the whites by force what they would not grant to reason; and an ill-principled and ill-managed revolt had taken place, in the preceding October, headed by Vincent Oge and his brother, sons of the proprietress of a coffee plantation, a few miles from Cap Francais.

The parties became exasperated, and an attack ensued. The Spanish government basely and wickedly delivered Oge to his enemies. He asked for a defender to plead his cause; but he asked in vain. Thirteen of his companions were condemned to the galleys; more than twenty to the gibbet; and Oge and Chavanne were tortured on the wheel. Where rests the guilt in this case? Let those blame Oge, who can.

"Poor Madame Oge, if all said so!" exclaimed the abbess. "That is true," said Euphrosyne. "I will be there: but, dear mother, do not speak particularly to me. Do not draw her attention upon me." "I will not, my dear." "Do you think she will speak angrily of the Ouvertures? I hope she will say nothing about poor General Moyse." "You must hear what she says, be it what it may." "True.