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Oft have I, from the rampart-top, sighed at the distant prospect, and, while my longing eye lingered on the golden produce of the orchard within sight, my heart panted to be at liberty, to take a nearer view, and taste again of nature's beauties.

They said who saw it with their own eyes, that oft he turned him, as if it were a worm! At length he gan to awake, then gan he to quake, and these words said Merlin the prophet: "Walaway! Walaway! in this worlds-realm, much is the sorrow that is come to the land! Where art thou, Uther? Set before me here, and I will say to thee of sorrows enow.

Call them your cooks, they're skill'd in dressing food To nourish weak, and strong, and cleanse the blood: They've milk for babes, strong meat for men of age; Food fit for who are simple, who are sage, When the great pot goes on, as oft it doth, They put not coloquintida in broth, As do those younglings, fondlings of their skill, Who make not what's so apt to cure as kill.

Where now are seen the gay retreats of luxury villas half buried in twilight bowers, whence the amorous flute oft breathes the sighings of some city swain there the fish-hawk built his solitary nest, on some dry tree that overlooked his watery domain.

If you plant where savages are, do not only entertain them, with trifles and gingles, but use them justly and graciously, with sufficient guard nevertheless; and do not win their favor, by helping them to invade their enemies, but for their defence it is not amiss; and send oft of them, over to the country that plants, that they may see a better condition than their own, and commend it when they return.

But, if we find a giant with his own mode, who cuts a double swath, leaves ragged stubble, smashes oft his scythe, but saves a wondrous lot of grain, we say: 'Praise God! You're doing well; the rules are for the helpless as the fence is for the sheep; but you we judge by your results; keep on." Dr.

'I say not that it is not the custom; nay, that my blessed wife and myself have not followed it; but we have so oft had cause to repent the necessity, that far be it from me ever to bid a woman forsake her sucking child. 'Is that Scripture? asked Eustacie. 'Ah! sir, sir, tell me more! You are giving me all all my child!

Close to his eye his hat he instant bends And forms a friendly telescope that lends Just aid enough to dull the glaring light And place the wandering bird before his sight, That oft beneath a light cloud sweeps along; Lost for a while yet pours a varied song; The eye still follows and the cloud moves by, Again he stretches up the clear blue sky, His form, his motions, undistinguished quite, Save when he wheels direct from shade to light.

"If one oft' witch dwarfs wud come from t' lane moors to-night, and gif hur money, to go out, OUT, I say, out, lad, where t' sun shines, and t' heath grows, and t' ladies walk in silken gownds, and God stays all t' time, where t'man lives that talked to us to-night, Hugh knows, Hugh could walk there like a king!"

His intellectual nature is framed to accord with laws which are ever present but are not authoritative; they admonish but they do not coerce; that is done surely though oft remotely by the consequences of their violation. At first, unaware of the true character of these laws, he fancies that if he were altogether comfortable physically, his every wish would be gratified.