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"I hear it, sir," said Tom, turning toward the noise and bracing himself. "My name is Connel," the burly spaceman suddenly spoke up in loud tones. "I'm an official in the Solar Guard! Whoever you are, speak up! Identify yourself." There was a moment of silence and then a voice spoke harshly in the darkness. "How do we know you're a Solar Guard officer? How do we know you're not a spy?"

Would 'ave the doctor fix up a German prisoner wot was bleedin' to death. Said 'e wasn't in no particular 'urry, speakin' for 'isself. An' 'im a-bleedin' to death, too. As fine a gentleman as ever stepped." The other nodded, warming, sailor-like, to the hero-worship of an officer. "That's right, Sister. 'E give 'is life for one of them Germans, you might say."

Instantly all eyes turned toward the parlor door, just as it slowly opened, and the officer who had been sent off so mysteriously by the coroner an hour before entered, in company with a young man, whose sleek appearance, intelligent eye, and general air of trustworthiness, seemed to proclaim him to be, what in fact he was, the confidential clerk of a responsible mercantile house.

Hayne when he came in to the matinée; but he was just as calm and quiet as ever, and, having saluted the commanding officer, took a seat by Captain Gregg and was soon occupied in conversation with him. Not a word was said by the officer of the day about the mysterious visitor to the garrison the previous night.

"Yes," said I; "and what do you wish me to do?" "I wish to go in a disguise, of course; to dress in your cabin, if you will let me. I cannot dress here, it would attract attention; and I am not a first-class passenger." "I fear," I replied, "that it is impossible for me to assist you to the privileges of a first-class passenger. You see, I am an officer of the ship. But still I can help you.

The sublime faith he had built up for himself had fallen to ruins, a cloud had hidden the face of the Father which was in heaven, and the death he had waited for as the crown of his life seemed to be no better than an abject end to a career that had failed. "Cheer up," said the officer; "I've some good news for you, at all events." The prisoner smiled sadly and shook his head.

"Oh! friends, friends," began Miriam, then once more broke down. Meanwhile, hearing the disturbance Gallus had come from his tent and was hobbling towards them, when suddenly he caught sight of the tears upon Miriam's face and broke out into such language as could only be used by a Roman officer of experience. "What have you been doing to her, you cowardly hounds?" he shouted.

"I can't tell you, as he has left the place." "Is any member of his family here?" "No. All of them went with him." "Have you the keys of this factory?" "I have." "Then I must trouble you to open it, as I wish to look inside." As the two entered the building, and the officer caught sight of the machinery used in canning lobsters, he said: "I am very sorry, Mr.

"I never shtruck a woman in me life, sir," said poor Clancy. "Silence, Clancy!" ordered the sergeant of the guard. "No, I'm blessed if I believe that part of it, Clancy, drunk or no drunk," said the new officer of the day. "Take charge of him for the present, sergeant." And away they went to the office.

You were dancing with him at the De Lanceys' 'small and early, were you not, Kitty, last week?" "Yes," said Kitty, with a quick nod and a half frown, "he has the usual airs and graces of a newly arrived officer from the mother-country."