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In one of his revival meetings in Mexico, Bancroft tells us, he was beating himself with a chain in punishment for his imaginary offenses, when a man seized the chain and beat himself to death as a miserable sinner, in the presence of the people.

A man may make a few mistakes, Regardless of his aim. But never, never criticize And cloud him o'er with blame; For all have failed in many things And keenly feel the smarting stings, Which haunt the mind by day and night Till they have made offenses right. So liberal be with those you meet E'en though they may offend, And wish them well as on they go Till all the journey end.

"It seems it's no use knocking one's head against a wall!" he said, coming from the window and giving Rostov a large envelope. In it was the petition to the Emperor drawn up by the auditor, in which Denisov, without alluding to the offenses of the commissariat officials, simply asked for pardon. "Hand it in. It seems..." He did not finish, but gave a painfully unnatural smile.

Carroll's anger vanished, because the truth was clear. Vane had triumphed through disaster; his peril and ruin had swept his offenses away. The girl, who had condemned him in his prosperity, would not turn from him in misfortune. In the meanwhile the others sat silent, gazing at the bearer of evil news, until he spoke again. "I want a tug to take me back, at once, if she can be got.

"Yet you think you possess the courage to become one of our fighting officers in the future, if the need arises? "Of my courage as a fighting man, sir, I am unable to form any opinion until that courage has been properly tested." "But you are afraid to inform the authorities of the identity of comrades who commit serious offenses?"

In cities there are also courts of justice other than those which are established by the constitution or general laws of the state. There is a court for the trial of persons guilty of disturbing the peace, and of such other minor offenses as are usually punishable by imprisonment in the county jail, called police court.

She comported herself with great discretion not forcing conversation on her unwilling room mate, lest she should give offense; and it was the policy of this woman to "avoid offenses," nor yet did she keep total silence, lest she should seem to be sulky; for it was also her policy always to seem amiable and happy.

"First, Excellency, will you give me your knightly word that you will grant a free pardon to me, a personal pardon, if I reveal all that you require?" "I pledge you my word of honor," replied the Governor. "No matter how heinous in the eyes of the law my offenses may have been, still you will pardon me under the King's seal?" "Why all this reiteration?" asked Tacon impatiently.

Why are they here?" For offenses of various kinds too numerous to mention. "That dignified, white-haired woman, third row on our left?" Ask me about her later on. I will tell you on our way home. "That pretty fair-haired girl about sixteen?" Vagrancy. Her sentence expires in two weeks. We're trying to persuade her to come to our home, because her own is undesirable.

For every act of 'disobedience' a fine of $1 was imposed on the offender, disobedience being a technical term made to include, besides 'neglect of duty' and 'leaving home without permission, such fearful offenses as 'impudence, 'swearing, 'indecent language in the presence of the employer, his family, or agent, or 'quarreling or fighting with one another. The master or his agent might assail every ear with profaneness aimed at the Negro man and outrage every sentiment of decency in the foul language addressed to the Negro women; but if one of the helpless creatures, goaded to resistance and crazed under tyranny, should answer back with impudence, or should relieve his mind with an oath, or restore indecency, he did so at the cost to himself of $1 for every outburst.