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The large majority of the plants produced from the Oe. Lamarckiana by self-fertilisation were of the same form with the same characters, but a certain percentage presented 'mutations' that is, characters different from the parent form, and in some cases identical with those of plants occurring occasionally among those growing wild in the field where the observations began.

Horace Hart, in his Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford, ruled that the combinations ae and oe should each be printed as two letters in Latin and Greek words and in English words of classical derivation, but this last injunction is plainly deduced from the practice of editors of Latin texts, and is an arbitrary rule in the interest of uniformity: it has the sanction and influence of the Clarendon Press, but is not universally accepted.

His most important titles are those which invest him with the character, so prominently brought out in Oe and Oannes, of the god of science and knowledge. He is "the intelligent guide," or, according to another interpretation, "the intelligent fish," "the teacher of mankind," "the lord of understanding."

Overwhelmed with shame at having to undergo so humiliating a punishment, Kawelo fancied that he could no longer live at Kauai; he determined to exile himself, and live in Oahu. He had already embarked in his canoe and prepared to set sail with some faithful friends, when he saw his wife on the shore. Mai hele aku oe! Return, Return with me! Go not away from me!

Every island, says Sir Edmund Head, and truly for the name of almost every island on the coast of England, Scotland, and Eastern Ireland, ends in either ey or ay or oe, a Norse appellative, as is the word "island" itself is a mark of its having been, at some time or other, visited by the Vikings of Scandinavia.

But there's ae thing," he said, sinking his voice "there's ae fearful thing hings about my heart, and an anker of brandy winna wash it away. The Deanses at Woodend! I sequestrated them in the dear years, and now they are to flit, they'll starve and that Beersheba, and that auld trooper's wife and her oe, they'll starve they'll starve! Look out, Jock; what kind o' night is't?"

And she went on muttering to herself with the wayward spitefulness of age "They maun hae lordships and honours, nae doubt set them up, the gutter-bloods! and deil a gentleman amang them." Then again addressing the sitting magistrate, "Will your honour gie me back my puir crazy bairn? His honour! I hae kend the day when less wad ser'd him, the oe of a Campvere skipper."

Some of their difficulties may be given as examples. In the early days of minuscule writing, when writing-material was still scarce, to save space it was common to write the letter e with a reversed cedilla beneath it to denote the diphthongs -ae and -oe.

On the eve of my going all the youth and beauty of Atuona crowded my paepae. Water brought his ukulele, a Hawaiian taro-patch guitar, and sang his repertoire of ballads of Hawaii "Aloha Oe," "Hawaii Ponoi," and "One, Two, Three, Four." Urged by all, I gave them for the last time my vocal masterpiece, "All Night Long He Calls Her Snooky-Ukums!" and was rewarded by a clamor of applauding cries.

"Not a very stout chap, I think, but hale enough, and if you stuck his head in a pail of cream once a day you might put meat on him. He's the oe from Ladyfield; surely you might know him even with his boots on." "Dear, dear," she said; "you're the Gilian I never saw but at a distance, the boy who always ran to the hill when I went to Ladyfield. O little hero, am I not sorry for the goodwife?