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"Yes," continued M. de Puymandour, "I have just heard of a marriage that will come off almost directly after yours has been celebrated, and will make a stir, I can assure you." "And whose is that, pray?" "You are acquainted, I presume," returned the father, addressing himself to Norbert, "with the son of the Count de Mussidan?" "What, the Viscount Octave?" "The same."

There was something so serious and urgent in Gerfaut's accent as he said these words, that the artist got up at once and hurriedly dressed himself. "What is the matter?" he asked, as he put on his dressing-gown, "you look as if the affairs of the nation rested upon you." "Put on your coat and boots," said Octave, "you must go to La Fauconnerie.

"The world is a very small place, Prince," Baptiste added. "But why has Hunsa brought this tale to men of affairs?" Sewlal queried. Hunsa cast a furtive look over his shoulder toward the verandah, and his coarse voice dropped a full octave. "The Presence has observed Bootea, the one called Gulab Begum, who is with Ajeet Singh?" "Ah-ha!" It was Nana Sahib's exclamation.

Robert enters on tip-toe very very gently, so as not to disturb his beloved, and sings in a voice that you could hear two miles off, 'Isa-belle! dropping a full octave on the last note. Isabelle half awakes, and murmurs, 'I do believe I heard something.

"Enough," she cried, "enough! I have been guilty, Octave; but not so guilty as you imagine." "Why do you venture to defend yourself?" "Because it is my duty to guard Sabine." "You should have thought of this earlier," answered the Count with a sneer. "You should have moulded her mind have taught her what was noble and good, and have perused the unsullied pages of the book of her young heart."

"Are these rumors true; do you love Octave?" "Monsieur," she replied, "to any other man I should answer that question only by a look; but to you, and because you are indeed almost the father of Monsieur de Camps, I reply by asking what you would think of a woman if to such a question she answered you?

"In the name of the law, let nobody touch the body. Call back the dogs." As he said these words he hastened to the spot which the servant pointed out to him. Everybody dismounted and followed him. Octave and Bergenheim had exchanged strange glances when they heard the servant's words.

She raised her skirt a trifle and extended her foot, showing her slipper, which was really covered with pearly drops of rain. Octave threw himself quickly upon his knees, and, taking a silk handkerchief from his pocket, began to wipe away all traces of the storm.

It was the first time I had heard the instrument, and the characteristic mysterious sounds of the trembling strings made a deep and wonderful impression upon me. Lauretta began very softly and held on, the note rising to fortissimo, and then quickly broke into a crisp complicated run through an octave and a half.

If, for your happiness, you have met with such a woman, you know Madame Firmiani. After Monsieur de Bourbonne had talked with her for ten minutes, sitting beside her, his nephew was forgiven. He perceived that whatever the actual truth might be, the relation between Madame Firmiani and Octave covered some mystery.