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The cabal, in fact, was so weak in ability and character that the moment any responsibility fell upon its members it was certain to break down, but the absolutely fatal obstacle to its schemes was the man it aimed to overthrow. The idea evidently was that Washington could be driven to resign.

To escape the disturbing impression, the grub therefore goes deeper and deeper, hoping to obtain lower down the rest which is denied it above. It only ceases to move when worn out with the effort or stopped by an obstacle. Now, in a soft diffused light, what can be the radiations capable of acting upon this lover of darkness?

A single false shove, a single obstacle in the path, and all four of them would have been hurled into the abyss below and dashed to pieces. But no footless serpent could have writhed more deftly down than the pine trunk. It was a sight worth seeing, this lightning-like flight down a mountain of glass. "Holloah! hie! fly away, thou devil's steed!"

Hugh and Gerald Dillon now climbed upon one end of the log, which at once sank into the water below the level of the bottom of the boom, and the current taking it, swept it beneath the obstacle. Rupert's rope directed its downward course, and it was soon alongside the boom, but on the lower side.

Juliet could not come to Dicky while he was there. He did not ask himself why this should be, but accepted it as fact. He then was the main obstacle to Dicky's happiness, to the fulfilment of his great desire. Then he must go. But whither? And leave Dicky and leave Dicky! Again for a spell the anguish woke within him, but it did not possess him so overwhelmingly as before.

The three riders were expert horsemen, and had been accustomed to the saddle almost from infancy. Little was said and few words spoken by the men as they skimmed over the prairie save to call attention to some obstacle in the way, or to some change in the trail, which stretched before them plain and distinct.

Above all, it was necessary that the investigation should be secret. An obstacle obtruded itself here: everybody in Stillwater knew everybody, and a stranger appearing on the streets or dropping frequently into the tavern would not escape comment. The man with the greatest facility for making the requisite searches would of course be some workman.

In their unworldliness of a truth they were good, simple creatures the slight difference of social position seemed unimportant. And with Samuel's elevation to a partnership, even that one shadowy obstacle was removed. Henceforth they would meet Nancy in a conciliatory spirit, and, if she insisted upon it, bow down before her. Mr.

An obstacle, however, presented itself on the first putting on of the silk dress: it had not been worn for some time, as during the summer muslins had superseded silk, and Mabel found, to her great disgust, that the sleeves were too short.

Judge Trent," Miss Martha swallowed and moved uneasily, "it wasn't exactly convenient for him to go into the city that day. He's just now been up to the farm to see Sylvia, and of course my visit with her was very hurried and unsatisfactory." Miss Martha swallowed the obstacle in her throat again, whatever it was.