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For it is certain that some one left it here, and if they come for it, I shall be obliged to give it them." "Well," said Widow Adamecz, "as far as that goes we can sleep in peace, for the one who brought it only walks on our planet once in a thousand years."

She was obliged to confess that Miss Nugent was the handsomest, most elegant, and best dressed girl in the room; as she talked to Colonel Vaughan, she looked almost animated; and he, on his part, seemed as gay and perfectly at his ease, as if there had never been a Gladys in the world.

She had been obliged to travel third-class, and the journey was hot and dusty. She lay back against the cushions with a tired feeling all over her. For a time she had been able to forget her poverty. Now it had fully returned to her, and she was not in the mood to be good-natured.

"I'm agreeable," answered Will. "The only question now is whether we can find the shaft. The water is so deep that all branches of the mine look alike to me!" In passing out of the chamber into another passage the boys were obliged to stoop low in order to avoid what is called a dip.

There was nothing else for it; the mountain was obliged to come to Mohammed or the man to the pup. Then the miner, no less than Tintoretto, was astonished. To ward off the barking, the red little hunter had raised his arm across his face, but his big brown eyes were visible above his hand, and their childish seriousness appealed to the man at once.

He had not yet recovered from the rage and mortification of his defeat on the banks of the Lopera in the disastrous foray of old Bexir, when he had been obliged to steal back furtively to his mountains with the loss of the bravest of his followers. He had ever since panted for revenge. He now rode among the host of warriors assembled at Monda.

I thoroughly understand what I'm not, and I'm much obliged to you for not reminding me of it in any rougher way." She said nothing she kept that up; it might even have been to let him go further, if he was capable of it, in the way of poorness of spirit. It was one of those cases in which a man couldn't show, if he showed at all, save for poor; unless indeed he preferred to show for asinine.

I fatten a good deal of poultry, but I have to buy grain, and you cannot imagine the army of rats that infest this place." "Why not get half a dozen cats to deal with them?" "Cats, indeed; yes, they eat them, but I was obliged to give up the idea because of the way in which they treated my grain. I have been obliged to have some terrier dogs sent me from England to kill the rats.

"Yes, he eloped with a girl from New Orleans. They went on board a steamer bound for Havana, registered as man and wife, and that is the last she has heard of him, while she was obliged to return to New York alone," explained Mr. Palmer, wondering how he was going to introduce the subject of his approaching marriage. "Is that possible?

"Well, you better take another road this time," he said quietly. "Three o' the Falins will be waitin' in the lorrel somewhar on the road to lay-way ye." Hale was dumfounded, but he knew the boy spoke the truth. "Look here," he said impulsively, "I've got nothing against you, and I hope you've got nothing against me. I'm much obliged let's shake hands!"