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The ownership of this plot will now enable us to locate the site, excavate the foundations, and erect the structure, of the International Bahá’í Archives, designed by the Hand of the Cause, Mason Remey, President of the International Bahá’í Council, which will serve as the permanent and befitting repository for the priceless and numerous relics associated with the Twin Founders of the Faith, with the Perfect Exemplar of its teachings and with its heroes, saints and martyrs, and the building of which constitutes one of the foremost objectives of the Ten-Year Plan.

Equally, we have honored our commitment to pursue and attain specific objectives.

We must never lose sight of our long-term objectives: the broadening of markets the maintenance of steadily rising demand. This demand can come from only three sources: consumers, businesses, or government. In this country the job of production and distribution is in the hands of businessmen, farmers, workers, and professional people-in the hands of our citizens. We want to keep it that way.

When I told him the news his smile and the flash of his eye, which lacked the meekness usually associated with the Church, were good to see. "And the French?" he asked. "All of their objectives!" "Ah!" He drew a deep breath and rubbed his hands together softly. "And prisoners?" "A great many." "Ah! And guns?" "Yes." Thus he ran up the scale of happiness.

But I shall ask you to consider again and with a very grave scrutiny our objectives and the measures by which we mean to attain them; for the purpose of discussion here in this place is action, and our action must move straight toward definite ends. Our object is, of course, to win the war; and we shall not slacken or suffer ourselves to be diverted until it is won.

In this same process of evolution we are keeping before us the objectives of protecting on the one hand industry against chiselers within its own ranks, and on the other hand the consumer through the maintenance of reasonable competition for the prevention of the unfair sky-rocketing of retail prices. But, in addition to this our immediate task, we must still look to the larger future.

The hour is propitious for the members of your Assembly, reinforced by the continual, the whole-hearted and strenuous exertions of the entire body of the German and Austrian believers, to distinguish themselves in their ceaseless efforts to attain the objectives of their Ten-Year Plan, by deeds of such valour as will eclipse the feats achieved by them in the past.

Each of the three Russian groups were working practically independent of each other, except that their operations were planned and executed in such a way that their respective objectives were to be reached simultaneously. Even that much cooperation was made extremely difficult, because of the lack of any means of communication in a horizontal direction.