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Even in the rebellion against John that closed his reign no objection was made to the relationship with the papacy, nor was the king's right to act as he did denied, though his action was alleged by his enemies to be illegal because it did not have the consent of the barons.

They all say that they will be ready to fight, when the enemy comes; but they want a good sleep first, and even Cathelineau could not move them. It is heartbreaking to have to do with such men." "I do not think that it is laziness. It is that they have a fixed objection to doing what they consider any kind of soldier work.

As a child I used to paddle about in it continually, an' sometimes tumbled into it, for of course young people will " "No, Peggy, you must sit by the fire with my wife," said the doctor. "Neither of you is fit for work of any kind yet, so sit down and warm yourselves." Eva was too wise, and Peggy too weak, to offer objection, so these two sat by the fire while the others went to work.

"A man of course may be taken in by falsehoods," said the lawyer. "If you have no other objection than that raised, I hope you will allow me to visit in Manchester Square." "There may be ten thousand other objections, Mr. Lopez, but I really think that the one is enough. Of course I know nothing of my daughter's feelings. I should imagine that the matter is as strange to her as it is to me.

Livery Johnson put on a new bonnet and paid up all her back calls to have the pleasure of announcing in each parlor she entered that her daughters, at least, would "never pay professional prices to Thea Kronborg." Thea raised no objection to quitting school. She was now in the "high room," as it was called, in next to the highest class, and was studying geometry and beginning Caesar.

Willett, but so long as he wasn't there to say so, and so long as she intended the association to be purely platonic, as a rebuke to all who had rebuked her, she proposed to assume that no objection existed. The news that he had been sent for and was coming in as a witness in Captain Devers's court startled her inexpressibly, despite her conscious rectitude.

They were made prisoners and haled to Palgrave Island, and when they returned they always acquiesced in what the government was doing. A little later the journey to Palgrave Island became unnecessary. When objection was made, the reply of the officials was "Goliah has spoken" which was another way of saying, "He must be obeyed." The captains of industry became heads of departments.

We anchored the car near the shaft, and carried out Juba's coffin. "Wait here," said Edmund, "while I descend." "No, you're not going alone," exclaimed Jack. "I'll go with you." Edmund made no objection and he and Jack descended the steps.

They saw two strange figures, clad in Spanish. style, with large, napping sombreros on their heads, who unheard, had descended the mountains, and were now close upon them. "Who are you?" asked Bradley doubtfully. "Friends," was the reassuring reply. "We'll join your little party if you have no objection. I'd invite you to take a drink if there was any saloon handy.

In this form, the Romans having no objection to the assassination of an English governor, the opera was produced with great success. The first act opens in the house of the Governor, where a large party, among them a group of conspirators, is assembled. During the meeting a petition is presented for the banishment of Ulrico, a negro sorcerer.