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Raising his hands he called on Heaven, o'erpowered with grief he could not move; till holding by the white steed's neck, he tottered forward on the homeward road, turning again and often looking back, his body going on, his heart back-hastening; now lost in thought and self-forgetful, now looking down to earth, then raising up his drooping eye to heaven, falling at times and then rising again, thus weeping as he went, he pursued his way homewards.

He would on himself Have wreaked such penance as had reached the height Of fleshy suffering, yea, which being told, With its portentous rigour should have made The memory of his fault o'erpowered and lost, In shuddering pity and astonishment, Fade like a feeble horror." SOUTHEY'S Roderick. As Mary was turning into the street where the Wilsons lived, Jem overtook her.

MAX. This morning, when I found you in the circle Of all your kindred, in your father's arms, Beheld myself an alien in this circle, O! what an impulse felt I in that moment To fall upon his neck, to call him father! But his stern eye o'erpowered the swelling passion, It dared not but be silent. And those brilliants, That like a crown of stars enwreathed your brows, They scared me too!

Thy heart's wild impulse only dost thou follow. WALLENSTEIN. Thou art describing thy own father's heart. The adder! Oh, the charms of hell o'erpowered me He dwelt within me, to my inmost soul Still to and fro he passed, suspected never. On the wide ocean, in the starry heaven Did mine eyes seek the enemy, whom I In my heart's heart had folded!

MAX. Oh, hadst thou always better thought of men, Thou hadst then acted better. Curst suspicion, Unholy, miserable doubt! To him Nothing on earth remains unwrenched and firm Who has no faith. OCTAVIO. And if I trust thy heart, Will it be always in thy power to follow it? MAX. The heart's voice thou hast not o'erpowered as little Will Wallenstein be able to o'erpower it.

"Then the rough seamen's hands they wring; And some, o'erpowered with bursting feeling, Their arms around them wildly fling, While tears down many a cheek are stealing." "Now we must leave our fatherland, And wander far o'er ocean's foam." Farewell, farewell! The last words have been said!