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"Yet was I born, as you are, no man's slave, An heir to all that lib'ral Nature gave; My mind can reason, and my limbs can move The same as yours; like yours my heart can love; Alike my body food and sleep sustain; And e'en like yours feels pleasure, want, and pain. One sun rolls o'er us, common skies surround; One globe supports us, and one grave must bound.

The waves lie sleeping on the sands, Till the fierce trumpet of the storm Hath summon'd up their thundering bands; Then the white sails are clashed like foam, Or hurry trembling o'er the seas, Till calmed by thee, the sinking gale Serenely breathes, Depart in peace." Peabody. The day that preceded the night of which we are about to speak, was misty, with the wind fresh at east-south-east.

She stood up to the full height of her little figure, with a fierce expression about her, though her face looked quite pale beneath her black cap; she thrust out her left fist with a satisfied pride as she thundered in a voice bigger than herself: "If the pirate audacious Should o'er the waves chase us, The buccaneer slaughter, Accord him no quarter.

I am distraught for her with passing agonies * And find no friend, O folk! to hear my plaint and plea. How long, when Night hath drooped her pinions o'er the world, * Shall I lament in public as in privacy? For love of you I cannot find forgetfulness; * And how forget When Patience taketh wings to flee?

She read it to him also not very well in a somewhat childish manner. For much I fear that o'er my corpse The scalding tears of friends shall flow, And that, too late, they should with zeal Fresh flowers upon my body throw. That fate sardonic should recall The ones I loved to my cold side, And make me lying in the ground, The object of love once denied.

"My bosom glow'd; the subtle flame Ran quick through all my vital frame; O'er my dim eyes a darkness hung; My ears with hollow murmurs rung. "In dewy damps my limbs were chill'd; My blood with gentle horrors thrill'd: My feeble pulse forgot to play; I fainted, sunk and died away!

It was a beautiful, fresh morning; the air was like a draught from a Spirit's fountain, and filled the heart with new youth and the blood with a rapturous delight; the leaves the green, green leaves of spring were quivering on the trees, among which the happy birds fluttered and breathed the gladness of their souls in song. While the dewdrops that "strewed A baptism o'er the flowers"

Once more Dan threw aside the big hammer this time on the inner side of the smithy. "Father," said he, "you've knocked me clean o'er. I never knowed till now as it were real." "As a little child!" said Father Thomas to himself, as he went back to Lincoln. "The road into the kingdom will be far smoother for him than her. Yet the good Lord can lead them both there."

DEMETRIUS. That glorious freedom which surrounds me here I will transplant into my native land, And turn these bond-serfs into glad-souled men; Not o'er the souls of slaves will I bear rule. KING. Do naught in haste; but by the time be led! Prince, ere we part, three lessons take from me, And truly follow them when thou art king.

The reindeer leaped onward with strong, steady bounds, and Claus' heart was so light and merry that he laughed and sang while the wind whistled past his ears: "With a ho, ho, ho! And a ha, ha, ha! And a ho, ho! ha, ha, hee! Now away we go O'er the frozen snow, As merry as we can be!"