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Nuttie made the signal to move as soon as she could, and as they went upstairs, put her arm round the slim waist and gave a sympathetic pressure, but the voice that addressed her had still the cheery ring that she fancied had been only assumed. 'I'm sorry I missed you, but we set out early and made a day of it; and oh! we've been into such funny places as I never dreamt of! You didn't see my boy?

There were associations with every turn, and Nuttie might have spent years at Paris with another companion without imbibing so many impressions as on this December day, when she came home so full of happy chatter that the guests at the table d'hote glanced with amusement at the eager girl as much as with admiration at the beautiful mother. Mr.

They reached an old-walled garden, with lilac and laburnum and horse-chestnut blossoming above, and showing a mass of greenery through the iron railing that surmounted, the low wall on the street side, where Mr. Dutton halted and took out his key. 'Is this yours? exclaimed Nuttie, 'I have so often wondered whose it could be.

Many a child gets over troubles of this kind, and, as Annaple says, little Jenny will be all the more to us for what we go through with her. The carriage stopped, and Nuttie asked him if it would delay him too long if she executed a commission about her father's glasses.

Then Nuttie had happy afternoons of driving, donkey-riding, or walking with her mother, sketching, botanising, admiring, and laying up stores for the long descriptive letters that delighted the party in St. Ambrose's Road, drinking in all the charm of the scenery, and entering into it intelligently.

'Oh! vicar, where are we to go? was the question so eager to break forth. 'Not to the Crystal Palace, Nuttie. The funds won't bear it. Mr. Dutton says we must spend as little as possible on locomotion. 'I'm sure I don't care for the Crystal Palace. A trumpery tinsel place, all shams.

'Wynnie gave me my horse, cried the boy, unstabling a steed which had seen hard service since the presentation. 'Where's Wynnie? 'He is at home. You must come and see him, said Nuttie, who had not been allowed to bring him till secure of a clean bill of health. 'But see, just outside the door, there's something for Billy.

Nuttie had just performed the feat, with great shyness, when Mark appeared, having been sent in quest of his cousin, when her father perceived that she had hung back. Poor Gerard led off Miss Ruthven the more gloomily, and could not help sighing out, 'I suppose that is an engagement! 'Oh! you believe that impertinent gossip in the paper, returned Annaple.

'Yes, I saw her safe into the room. She was very near running off up the stairs, said Mr. Dutton. 'But I daresay she is fascinated by this time. That sort of man has great power over women. 'Nuttie is hardly a woman yet, said Miss Nugent. 'No, but there must be a strong reaction, when she sees something unlike her compound of Marmion and Theseus.

I know you have thought I have set you aside if not better things, for his sake. Indeed I could not help it. Then there was something tear-stained and blotted out, and it ended with, 'He is beginning to miss your step and voice about the house. I believe he will really be glad to see you, when the bright spring days come, and I can kiss my own Nuttie again.