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The very air seemed to stifle her; her heart seemed numb an icy band seemed pressing round it, and her poor forehead was burning hot. It did not matter much where she went, nobody loved her, nobody cared for her. As softly as she came, she glided down the path that led to the entrance-gate beyond.

Marston sitting, as she had done on that bright May morning, majestic in her grape-trimmed hat and the mantle with the bugles. Her face and her attitude expressed the deep though unformulated conviction that God was 'not what He was. Then he turned and went home, numb, without vitality or hope.

"I hope you are not suffering so severely from bodily pain? What distresses you, my good woman? Perhaps, if I knew the cause, I might be able to render you some service." "It is not my body, that, you know, is numb, and gives me no pain, but my mind! Doctor, I am suffering in mind, and you have no medicine that can ease that."

The next moment he was tearing away the blocks of slate and coal with both hands. But his fingers were stiff and numb, and the work progressed too slowly. Then he braced himself against the body of the mule, pushed with his feet against Ralph's rude wall, and the next moment it fell back into the old mine. He brushed away the bottom stones and called to his companion.

The withered hand of the white-faced clown rested in the strong grasp of the pastor, and his pale, little eyes sought the face of the stalwart man before him; a numb desolation was growing in his heart; the object for which he had gone on day by day was being left behind and he must stumble forth into the night alone. "It's hard to leave her," he mumbled; "but the show has got to go on."

The two men were in a deep sleep. The fire had died down to a bed of coals, and Jamie was shivering with the cold. His arms were numb, and his body and limbs ached from the cramped position in which he lay because of his bound arms and feet.

I wish every man had to work hard; had to work until body and brain were numb with it!" Her voice slurred and she recovered it. "I don't know whether he remembers or not. Probably not! You've just had a unique experience for one of our kind, that's all. You've met a man!" Barbara raised herself upon one elbow.

Listen to His voice, `It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. It is for thy sake that He would have thee come back to thine allegiance." The answer was scarcely what he expected. "Father, it is of no use to talk to me. I hear what you say, of course; but it does me no good. My heart is numb." "Thou art right," gently replied Bruno.

"Where's the artillery? That's what I want to know; where's the artillery?" The woods were grey and dripping with dawn. Chrisfield got stiffly to his feet from the pile of leaves where he had slept. He felt numb with cold and hunger, lonely and lost away from his outfit. All about him were men of another division.

Now the night is bitter cold, with no sounds outside but the cracking of the porches as they freeze tighter. Even the north wind seems grown too numb to move.