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He then brought out several ballets at the Académie, but returned to the Opera Comique again, where, between 1840 and 1866, he composed thirteen operas, the most successful of which were "Le Songe d'une nuit d'été" , "Raymond" , "Psyche" , and "Mignon" . During this period he also wrote a large number of cantatas, choruses, part-songs, and instrumental works.

The rose, not the house, of course. Looking over it, he smiled down at me. LATER: It is midnight. I cannot sleep. Perchanse he to is lieing awake. I am sitting at the window in my ROBE DE NUIT. Below, mother and Sis have just come in, and Smith has slamed the door of the car and gone back to the GARAGE. How puney is the life my Familey leads!

And yet she was walking in the Villa Nuit d'Or, a name evidently given to his property by the child of the gilded ball, a name that might be in place, surely, on the most stagey stage. She knew that, felt it, smiled at it and yet mentally caressed the name, caressed the thing in Baroudi which had sought and found it appropriate. "What hundreds and hundreds of orange-trees!

She sailed into my room one evening, dressed for dinner, and found me in my ROBE DE NUIT, curled up in the window seat admiring the view of the ocean. "Well!" she said. "Is this the way you intend going to dinner?" "I do not care for any dinner," I replied. Then, seeing she did not understand, I said coldly. "How can I care for food, mother, when the Sea looks like a dying ople?"

Quel chagrin, quel ennui De compter toute la nuit Les heures, les heures!". The verse appealed to Honora strangely; just as it had appealed to Ibbetson. Was she not, too, a prisoner. And how often, during the summer days and nights, had she listened to the chimes of the Pilgrim Church near by? "One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!"

With that consummate tact of hers, in which I believe she was never surpassed by living thing, she even professed merely to have issued forth to taste "la brise du soir." "Quelle belle nuit!" cried she, looking up at the stars the moon was now gone down behind the broad tower of Jean Baptiste. "Qu'il fait bon? que l'air est frais!"

'Mon cher Monsieur Browne, J'ai beaucoup tardé a vous écrire les détails promis, sans doute je ne voulait pas vous oublier; nous sommes affligés dans nôtre maison ma femme et gravement malade ce qui me donne beaucoup de tourment jour et nuit, enfin ce n'est pas ce qui doit faire nôtre entretient. 'Cher Monsieur.

At last he appeared at the window in his dressing-gown and bonnet de nuit, and finding whom he was called upon to receive, he exclaimed, in the trepidation of the moment, "My house is not fit for the duke; go to my friend, Doctor Saumarez."

Very valuable are the data regarding Mary Stuart's departure from France in 1561. Brantôme was one of her suite, and describes her grief when the shores of France faded away, and her arrival in Scotland, where on the first night she was serenaded by Psalm-tunes with a most villainous accompaniment of Scotch music. "! quelle musique!" he exclaims, "et quel repos pour la nuit!"

The last male guest had touched his cap to madame, exchanging the "bonne nuit" a man only gives to a pretty woman, and that which a woman returns who feels that her beauty has received its just meed of homage; madame's figure stood, still smiling, a radiant benedictory presence, in the doorway, with the great glow of the firelight behind her; the last laugh echoed down the street and behold, darkness was upon us!