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He was a good enough fellow in some ways, but the several occasions on which he had been induced to go on fishing and boating excursions, had resulted in disaster and ridicule at poor Nugget's expense.

Sure enough, he'd dug up a respectable brown, sole leather suitcase with brass trimmings such as a bank clerk might have carried, suspiciously much too good to have been thrown out here. Could it be that the thieves had indeed met in one of the Gold Nugget's rooms or in the roof-house up here, made their divvy, split the swag, and thus clumsily disposed of the container?

"Down below here is just the place you want then," said Randy. "A big gravel bar. The sun shines on it beautifully." This statement brought a smile even to Nugget's face, and without delay the boys proceeded down the creek. As it was impossible to get any wetter they waded, pushing the canoes ahead of them.

'You must certainly come on the yacht. 'I'll tell Peter to come straight round here now, said Cynthia simply. She went to the telephone. Part Two In which other interested parties, notably one Buck MacGinnis and a trade rival, Smooth Sam Fisher, make other plans for the Nugget's future. Of stirring times at a private school for young gentlemen. Of stratagems, spoils, and alarms by night.

It had required much persuasion and many promises on Nugget's part to win the desired permission, and when the question was finally decided the new member of the Jolly Rovers was put on a severe course of training. This embraced rowing, paddling a canoe, and swimming, and before the month of June was over Nugget was fairly proficient in all three.

Nugget's lantern was in Randy's canoe, and worse than all, only four matches remained in the box. "It's a bad fix," thought Ned; "but we must make the best of it. Nugget," he added aloud, "push your canoe along the right side. I think the water is shallow there." Nugget obeyed, and joined his companion without difficulty. "Have you any matches?" asked Ned. "Not a single one."

It was an excellent place in which to bestow a boy in quest of whom kidnappers might break in by night. The window was too small to allow a man to pass through, and the only means of entrance was by way of my room. By night, at any rate, the Nugget's safety seemed to be assured. The curiosity of the small boy, fortunately, is not lasting. His active mind lives mainly in the present.

I did not omit to lay stress on the fact that the Nugget's departure with the enemy was entirely voluntary. She heard me out in silence. 'That was too bad of Oggie, she said tolerantly, when I had ceased dramatically on the climax of my tale. As a comment it seemed to me inadequate. 'Oggie was always high-spirited, she went on. 'No doubt you have noticed that? 'A little.

"I was awfully tired, you know, and I couldn't keep my eyes open. The next thing I remember is that man there helping me out. It was daylight, and the canoe was in a little channel with thick bushes all around." The boys were not slow to appreciate the ludicrous side of Nugget's adventure, and they laughed long and heartily.

The yell that burst from Nugget's lips would have done credit to a Sioux warrior. It scared the snake half out of its wits, and the reptile wriggled under the bottom board. "Help! Murder! Snakes!" roared Nugget, partly rising and clutching the combing with both hands. "Help me, help me! I'll be bitten. I'll die." "Where is it?" cried Ned, paddling alongside. "Stamp on it," shouted Randy.