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You'se strong 'nuff 'cept your mine's been off wisitin' somewhar. Golly! you jes' git up an' let me dress you, an' I'll show yer de han'somest woman in de worl'. All yer's got ter do now is jes' be sensible like, an' yer won't have yer match." Grace cast an apprehensive look toward the door of the parlor in which was her husband, and then said hurriedly: "Yes, dress me quick.

"Dey stan' her up befo' Mars' Colby, an' hes eyes look lak' dey was red ya-as'm! 'Sally Alley, he roar at her, 'whar de odder laig ob dis goose? "Sally Alley shake like a willer by de ribber, an' she blurt out: 'Mars' Colby! sho' 'nuff dar warn't no odder laig on dat goose. "'Wha' dat? say he, moughty savage. 'On'y one laig on dis goose? "'Ya-as, suh sho' 'nuff.

"Brer Wolf looked 'stonish'. He 'low, 'How you know? "Brer Rabbit say, 'I knows what I knows! "Brer Wolf say, 'Gimme some mo'! "Brer Rabbit say, 'You kin git some mo' fer yo'se'f easy 'nuff, en de fresher 'tis, de better. "Brer Wolf 'low, 'How you know? "Brer Rabbit say, 'I knows what I knows! "Wid dat Brer Wolf stepped out, en start to'rds Brer Fox.

Yet there was no doubt but what now they had deliberately blocked the path of these two. Wilson looked to Stubbs. "What does this mean?" "Looks as though we had been brought to anchor. D' ye know 'nuff Spanish to say 'Howdy' to 'em?" "Perhaps a few presents would talk better?" "Too many of 'em. Try your parley-vous." "Might move ahead a bit first and see what happens."

But it seems to me if you expect to get anything out of a shady transaction, you've got to risk something." "That's right," put in Arthur, "that's right! 'Nuff said! Now, Slayton, we'll agree to git you full legal control of these yere claims if you'll develop them at your expense, an' gin Davidson and me a third interest between us fer our influence. That's our proposition, an' that goes.

O, Jim, it war music, sho' nuff! and ef eny angels war a-listenin', they'd intercede fur me jest outer courtesy." "She was praying, dear friend," said Sedgwick. "I knew it, and her prayer is going to be answered. Her soul is trying to call to your soul to rouse itself, and you must heed the call." "I'll try," said the sick man.

Ye've hed fuss nuff 'long o' that gal fust and last, an this ain't no time fer ye ter put up with any more o' her tantrums." "She don't want to come, Abner. She don't like me and I thought she did," said Perez, turning his eyes from the girl to Abner, with an expression of despairing, appealing helplessness, almost childlike. "Nonsense," replied Abner, with contemptuous impatience.

Any like me?" "De nicest young gen'lman round dis bay," replied Dick, "is Mr. Dab Kinzer. But he ain't like you. Not nuff to hurt him." "Dab Kinzer," exclaimed the stranger. "Where'd he get his name?" "In de bay, I 'spect," said Dick, as he shoved his boat off; "caught 'im wid a hook."

If I only had just a tiny strip of land just 'nuff fer a garden. I could get some chickens an' pay off little by little. I 'm good for ten years yet an' by thet time Bobby would be old 'nough to take hold. If I only had a chance I could do it!" Her cheeks had taken on color. She looked like one inspired. Donaldson sat dumb in admiration of her splendid courage.

"I callate we wuz a dern sight better orf every way under the King, 'n we be naow. The Tories wuz right, arter all, I guess. We'd better a let well nuff l'one, an not to a jumped aouter the fryin-pan intew the fire," said Peleg, gloomily.