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Your Honours are aware that, at the Diet lately holden by his Imperial Roman Majesty, our most gracious lord of very praiseworthy memory, I obtained a gracious assignment from his Imperial Majesty of 200 florins from the yearly payable town contributions of Nuernberg.

And whatever the said Burgomaster and Council of the town of Nuernberg and their successors shall yield, give, and pay to the said Albrecht Duerer, as stands written above, against his quittance, the same sum shall be accepted and reckoned to them as paid and yielded for the customary town contributions which they, as stands written above, are bound to pay into our Treasury, as if they had paid the same into our own hands and received our quittance therefor, and no harm or detriment shall in anywise be done therefor unto them or their successors by us or our successors in the Empire.

Martin's day year," Maximilian was dead, and the 200 florins no longer his to dispose of, being due to the new Emperor Charles V. The municipal authorities of Nuernberg refused to pay until his Privilegium had been confirmed by Maximilian's successor. Duerer wrote the following letter to the Council: NUeRNBERG, April 27, 1519. Prudent, honourable and wise, gracious, dear Lords.

As it stands finished in the house it might be damaged for me, so I would give you full power to sell it for me cheap for thirty florins indeed, rather than that it should not be sold I would even let it go for twenty-five florins. I have certainly lost much food over it. Nuernberg, November 4, 1508.

I wish you could see my gracious Lord's picture; I think it would please you. I have worked at it straight on for a year and gained very little by it; for I only get 280 Rhenish gulden for it, and I have spent all that in the time. NUeRNBERG, August 24, 1508. Now I commend myself to you.

Or perhaps Herr Pirkheimer would send me the design of it he would be doing me a great favour. I want also to know how much a set of impressions of all your prints costs, and whether anything new has come out at Nuernberg relating to my art. I hear that our friend Hans, the astronomer, is dead.

Give my greeting to your painter Martin Hess. My wife asks you for a Trinkgeld, but that is as you please, I screw you no higher, &c. And now I hold myself commended to you. Read by the sense, for I write in haste. Given at Nuernberg on Sunday after Bartholomew's, 1509. ALBRECHT DUeRER. NUeRNBERG, October 12, 1509.

Given at Nuernberg on September 3, 1518. SISTER CHARITAS, unprofitable Abbess of S. Clara's at Nuernberg. Duerer returned with a letter to the Town Council of Nuernberg, from which the following extract is taken: Honourable, trusty, and well-beloved, Whereas you are bound to pay us on next St.

To Master Albrecht Duerer, unrivalled chief in the art of painting, my friend and most beloved brother in Christ, at Nuernberg; or in his absence to Wilibald Pirkheimer. I wrote a good long letter to you, some time ago, in the name of our common friend Thomas Bombelli, but we have received no answer from you.

"Deutschland ueber Alles!" he shouted defiantly and jumped. He did not come up. Captain the Hon. Desmond O'Hara removed his cap. "They die so infernally well," he said presently, "one hates to fight them individually. Yesterday the Nuernberg fell to us.