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Of course the element of Love is not wanting; two golden threads run through the crimsoned web; but whether they meet before Atropos comes with the fatal shears, it is not best to say. When the modern novel-reader can answer the momentous question, "Did they marry?" the charm of the most exciting story, for him, is gone.

Romance in any guise was hailed by them, and swallowed uncritically, though it was no more permitted to interfere with the practical conduct of their lives than it is in the case of just that novel-reader, who puts untruth and unreality from him, when he lays his book aside.

The spread of education, the increase and distribution of wealth, together with the cheapness of printing, have largely increased the number and variety of those who seek entertainment from works of fiction. The novel-reader is no longer content with the description of scenes and characters among which his own life is passed.

There may be novel-readers who do not smoke at the game, but surely they cannot be quite earnest or honest you had better put in writing all business agreements with this sort. No boy can ever hope to become a really great or celebrated novel-reader who does not begin his apprenticeship under the age of fourteen, and, as I said before, stick to it as long as he lives.

Do you think, for instance, that my friend, Lady Priscilla Graves who is a great novel-reader indeed, but holds all female writers unfeminine deserters to the standard of Man could ever come out with, 'Pray, sir, have you had time to look at MY Novel? She would rather die first.

When, therefore, he was asked the question he could only hold his tongue. "I suppose you have some scruple in speaking because he's my brother? You may drop that altogether." "I think that his career has been what the novel-reader would call romantic; but what I, who am not one of them, should describe as unfortunate." "Well, yes; taking it altogether it has been unfortunate.

This family might remind an antiquated novel-reader of the delightful Brangtons in "Evelina;" they had all the vivacity of the pleasant cousins of the heroine of that story, and the same generosity towards the public in regard to their family affairs. Before they had been in the cabin an hour, we felt as if we knew every one of them.

Amelie de Marville, like an impatient novel-reader, wanted the end of the story. "Yes, madame, a legacy that you are like to lose; yes, to lose altogether; but I can, that is, I could, recover it for you, if " "Speak out, monsieur." Mme. de Marville spoke frigidly, scanning Fraisier as she spoke with a sagacious eye. "Madame, your eminent capacity is known to me; I was once at Mantes.

How much nobler the magnificent courage of the veteran novel-reader, who in the old age of his service, asks only that he may be permitted to do again all that he has done, blindly, humbly, loyally, as before. Don't I know? Have I not been there?

And the novel-reader of to-day derives a constant pleasure from his books, notwithstanding the fact that the monotony of modern life is somewhat too closely reflected in them. The works of no writer in the English language, except those of Scott, have attained so immediate a reputation and have won so wide-spread a popularity as the novels of Charles Dickens.