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"What a strange side for a great man to have!" I said. "Sentimental poetry it seems so childish, does it not?" "We all have our weaknesses, I suppose," and she smiled. "We should be very dull if we left nothing for our friends to criticise." "Si nous n'avions point de défauts nous ne prendrions pas tant de plaisir

The Germans were only a few miles away in great force. At any moment they might come down, smashing everything in their way, and killing every human being along that road. The station master, a brave old type, and one or two porters, had determined to stay on to the last. "Nous sommes ici," he said, as though the Germans would have to reckon with him.

Glozel had said to her neighbours afterwards that the funeral cost over seventy-five dollars and had set up a stone to her memory on which was carved, "Chez nous autrefois, et chez Dieu maintenant" which was to say, "Our home once, and God's Home now." That done, with a sorrow which still had the peace of finality in his mind, he had turned his face to the West.

Conservez, ma chere Margot, un bon souvenir de ce petit travail qui a du vous amuser beaucoup et qui nous a reunis dans les meilleurs sentiments du monde; continuons nous cette sympathie que je trouve moi tout a fait exquise et croyez qu'en la continuant de votre cote, vous serez mille fois plus que quitte envers votre tres devoue

Here, again, in selfish pursuit of profit, and, consciously or unconsciously, following the abominable principle of the great moral vileness which one man has expressed "Apres nous le deluge" he begins anew the work of destruction.

The vicomte said that the Duc d'Enghien had perished by his own magnanimity, and that there were particular reasons for Buonaparte's hatred of him. "Ah, yes! Do tell us all about it, Vicomte," said Anna Pavlovna, with a pleasant feeling that there was something a la Louis XV in the sound of that sentence: "Contez nous cela, Vicomte."

'Notre roi, said an old ragged fisherman of the Lac de Bourget to the writer of this book, 'Notre roi nous a vendus. Not willingly did Victor Emmanuel incur that charge, in which the rebound from love to hate was so clearly heard; not willingly did he give up Maurienne, cradle of his race, Hautecombe, grave of his fathers.

What chance in such a field for a poor little painter-man?" "Oh you're good enough," Strether threw out. "Certainly I'm good enough. We're good enough, I consider, nous autres, for anything. But she's TOO good. There's the difference. They wouldn't look at me."

"Do not look so serious," said the whig dame smiling with fascination; "we are surrounded by the enemy." "Will you be at home to-morrow early?" said Mr Egerton. "As early as you please." "Very well, we will talk then. Lady Charlotte has heard something; nous verrons." "Courage; we have the Court with us, and the Country cares for nothing." "It is all right," said Mr Tadpole. "They are out.

They belonged to a species well-known in the service, and tolerated on the principle of Damne-toi, pourvu que tu nous amuse. Major Guthrie Brimston claimed to be one of the Morningquest family, and he had a portrait of the duke, as the head of the house, in his dressing room.