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"Yes, it's the flu," he said curtly. "Nothing to do but to keep warm in bed and not move, and take plenty of milk and liquid nourishment. I'll come round in the morning and give you an injection. Lungs are all right so far." "How long shall I have to be in bed?" said Aaron. "Oh depends. A week at least." Aaron watched him sullenly and hated him. Lilly laughed to himself.

"But there is no record yet of a pioneer who lived or died in vain," said Latimer. "Some day some day " He stopped and gazed at his friend, brooding. His love for him was a strong and deep thing. It grew with each hour they spent together, with each word he heard him speak. Baird was his mental nourishment and solace. When they were apart he found his mind dwelling on him as a sort of habit.

The old Doctor was beginning to look graver, in spite of himself. The fever, if such it was, went gently forward, wasting the young girl's powers of resistance from day to day; yet she showed no disposition to take nourishment, and seemed literally to be living on air.

"I'd rather have a pink frock, father, and a real hat; I just naturally hate sunbonnets! I'd favour a feather on my hat flowers fade right easy." "But harps is mighty elegant, Nella-Rose. Time was when your aunts and and grandmothers took to harps like they was their daily nourishment. Don't you ever forget that, Nella-Rose.

And supposing we should grant that this affection or disposition is the very thing which we call the appetite, it is probable that, by the operation of such kind of food as this, the nourishment may be made small, and so much of it as is convenient for Nature severed from the rest, so that the indigency proceeds not from the transmutation, but from the evacuation and purgation of the passages.

It was in the peculiar disposition of the Petrick family that the satisfaction which ultimately settled in Timothy's breast found nourishment. The Petricks had adored the nobility, and plucked them at the same time. That excellent man Izaak Walton's feelings about fish were much akin to those of old Timothy Petrick, and of his descendants in a lesser degree, concerning the landed aristocracy.

Jelly is another article of diet in great favour with nurses and friends of the sick; even if it could be eaten solid, it would not nourish, but it is simply the height of folly to take 1/8 oz. of gelatine and make it into a certain bulk by dissolving it in water and then to give it to the sick, as if the mere bulk represented nourishment.

So with these poor serfs. And few of them could choose but be the brutes they seemed. Now needs it to be said, that Odo was no land of pleasure unalloyed, and plenty without a pause? Odo, in whose lurking-places infants turned from breasts, whence flowed no nourishment. Odo, in whose inmost haunts, dark groves were brooding, passing which you heard most dismal cries, and voices cursing Media.

"Stimulant and nourishment, you'll observe, sir, in equal portions," I remarked to him. "How do you feel now?" "Ready for another," says he. Felicia burst out laughing. I gave him another. As I turned to hand it to him, sister Judith came behind me, and snatched away the cream-jug. Never a generous person, sister Judith, at the best of times more especially in the matter of cream.

We may picture this planting of an idea or "word" in the Cosmic soul as acting very much like the initial impulse that starts a train of waves in ether, and these thought-waves are reproduced in corresponding forms; or, to recur to the simile of seed, the cosmic soul acts like the soil and gives it nourishment.