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"Only you plan to go out an’ spit in th’ shadow’s eye?" "Guess so." "Then there’ll be two of us. Providin’ Rennie can use him ’nother hand. You know, this might be interestin’. ’Member what they used to say in the army? Don’t go borrowin’ trouble nor try to cross a river till you git th’ water lappin’ at your boots." "Times is gittin’ better."

"The' was some things on the hoss, Squire, that the man he ketched said he didn' care no gre't abaout; but perhaps you'd like to have 'em fetched to the mansion-haouse. Ef y' didn' care abaout 'em, though, I shouldn' min' keepin' on 'em; they might come handy some time or 'nother: they say, holt on t' anything for ten year 'n' there'll be some kin' o' use for't."

All right, now, I say so I put on friar cloak, hide my face, get on my mule, and den I look where I shall go so I say, I not be in dis road anyhow, I pass through wood till I find nother. I go 'bout two mile moon go down, all dark, and five six men catch hold my bridle, and they all got arms, so I do noting they speak to me, but I no answer, and nebber show my face.

"Do you hear, garcon 'nother bottle!" Jimmie looked at him gravely. He had serious misgivings about the future. Many of London's spacious suburbs have the advantage of lying beyond the scope of the fog-breeding smoke which hangs over the great city, and at Strand-on-the-Green, on that 9th of November, the weather was less disagreeable.

I never see'd him myself, nor any one that ever had sot eyes on him; but the old Indgians have see'd him and know him well. He won't take no bait, will the Socdolager; he can't be caught, no how you can fix, he is so 'tarnal knowin', and he can't be speared nother, for the moment he sees aim taken, he ryles the water and is out of sight in no tune.

"Big fool black fellow drive wagon," said Joeboy, still gazing through the glass, as if he could see those of whom he spoke. "'Nother big fool black fellow vorloper. Both fast sleep under wagon. Boss Val talk like Boer: double-Dutch." "Is that right?" said Denham. "Oh yes," I said. "I can speak like a Boer if it is necessary." "Um? Yes," said Joeboy quietly.

All this time, and all the time I was following home, I kept repeating that native word, which I remembered byPolly, put the kettle on and make us all some tea,” tea-a-pollo. “Uma,” says I, when I got back, “what does Tiapolo mean?” “Devil,” says she. “I thought aitu was the word for that,” I said. “Aitu ’nother kind of devil,” said she; “stop bush, eat Kanaka.

They ain't men, they hante the feelin's or pride o' men in 'em; they ain't what they used to be, the nasty, dirty, mean-spirited, sneakin' skunks, for if they had a heart as big as a pea and that ain't any great size, nother cuss 'em, when any feller pinted a finger at her to hurt her, or even frighten her, they'd string him right up on the spot, to the lamp post.

Wee stay'd there 2 dayes, during which time there happned a nother mutiny, our men refusing to proceed any farther; but I pacify'd the seditious, & having put to sea I order'd our men to preserve the Wood & Water wee had taken on board the best they could, for my Brother-in-Law & I had resolved not to goe a shoare untill wee had gain'd our Port, unless wee were chased.

"Purvis, you drive that load on the floor an' put up the hosses," Uncle Peabody shouted in a moment. "If you don't like it you can hire 'nother man. I won't do no more till after dinner. This slave business is played out." "All right," Purvis answered. "You bet it's all right.