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The doves on the roof cooed to the cooing water; but between the two notes I caught the utterly happy chuckle of a child absorbed in some light mischief. The garden door heavy oak sunk deep in the thickness of the wall opened further: a woman in a big garden hat set her foot slowly on the time- hollowed stone step and as slowly walked across the turf.

She began to tremble again, but she held herself in. "I must live," she murmured. "Give me a little money and let me go away." He laughed. "Oh, I'll do better than that for you," he answered, thrusting his hand into his waistcoat pocket and drawing out a pile of dollar bills. "Let's look at you. Gee whiz! Yes, you're shabby, aren't you? Take this," he went on, slamming some notes down before her.

"Did I tell you? Well, I had forgotten. Who cares! It's true every word." "Oh, I don't say it isn't," laughed Gaspard incredulously. "But you don't believe it is?" "We can't help our thoughts, but " and another laugh ended his sentence. Benham looked round. They were alone. Cautiously he drew a bag of money and a roll of notes from his pocket.

Jerome worked fast in his magnanimous concession to his mother's will, and had accomplished considerable when his sister opened the kitchen window, thrust out her dark head, and called in a voice shrill as her mother's, but as yet wholly sweet, with no harsh notes in it: "Jerome! Jerome! Dinner is ready." Jerome whooped in reply, dropped his spade, and went leaping down the hill.

``Richard Henry Dana, Jr. A Biography. By Charles Francis Adams. In two volumes. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. ``Speeches in Stirring Times and Letters to a Son. Richard Henry Dana, Jr., with introduction and notes by Richard Henry Dana, 3rd. In one volume. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

I did not stop to see what way he went, but hurried on as fast as my legs would carry me. I listened, as I advanced, to the notes of the various birds which filled the forest, and sometimes to the cries of beasts; and I fancied that I heard others answering them from a distance. By some means or other I missed the path I intended to follow, and found myself in a thick mass of trees.

The truth is that one learns, after a certain observation of the world, to divide one's amazement pretty equally between the literary voluptuary or over-fastidious collegian, on the one hand, who is so impressed by the size of his subject that he never does more than collect material and make notes, and the presumptuous politician, on the other hand, who thinks that he can write a history or settle the issues of philosophy and theology in odd half-hours.

Then she told Bo how complicated and bewildering was the management of a big ranch when the owner was ill, testy, defective in memory, and hard as steel when he had hoards of gold and notes, but could not or would not remember his obligations when the neighbor ranchers had just claims when cowboys and sheep-herders were discontented, and wrangled among themselves when great herds of cattle and flocks of sheep had to be fed in winter when supplies had to be continually freighted across a muddy desert and lastly, when an enemy rancher was slowly winning away the best hands with the end in view of deliberately taking over the property when the owner died.

When I opened my eyes again I was slightly embarrassed, for I was surrounded by a crowd of unknown people, all of them silent and indulgent, but evidently very curious. Wishing to go away, I took Mr. Jarrett's arm and went to the saloon. As soon as I entered the first notes of the Marseillaise rang out, and our Consul spoke a few words of welcome and handed me some flowers.

"Why, yes, sir?" opening it. "Oh, oh, it isn't empty!" she laughed, beginning to take out the contents two clean, crisp one dollar notes, and a handful of bright new quarters, dimes and five cent pieces. "Papa, how kind and generous you are to me!" Grace had her purse open by this time and found it lined in like manner with Lulu's.