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He went in here and bought a sheet of notepaper and an envelope, and, having borrowed the pen and ink, wrote a letter which he enclosed in the envelope with the two other pieces that he took out of his pocketbook. Having addressed the letter he came out of the shop; Frankie was waiting for him outside. He gave the letter to the boy. 'I want you to take this straight home and give it to your dad.

He spent the evening before the fire, smoking, and making thumbnail sketches on a piece of notepaper. She sang for some time, but without eliciting any comment from him. When they went up to bed he stopped at his own door. "I think I'll sleep alone to-night, dear. I want to be fresh to-morrow. Good night," and he kissed her cheek. When she came down in the morning he had already gone.

It was not sealed, and he took out the plain sheet of notepaper on which was written: CABLEGRAM WlNKELRIED, VIENNA. Not later than Friday. Claiborne read and re-read these eight words; then he spoke bluntly to Oscar. "Where did you get this?" "From the hat of the sheep-stealer up yonder." "Who is he and where did he get it?" "I don't know, sir. He was of Servia, and they are an ugly race yes?"

There was a desk in one room; ink in the well, notepaper bearing the name of Portlaw's camp. She looked at it and passed on to her bedroom. But after she had unlaced and, hair unbound, stood staring vacantly about her, she remembered the desk; and drawing on her silken chamber-robe, went into the writing-room.

The same thick notepaper, odorous with crushed violets the same bold, dashing handwriting he had seen before, but the matter expressed in it was worded somehow in a totally different tone to that of the previous letter from the same hand. "DEAR MRS. SPRUCE," it ran: "I enclose the keys of my boxes which I am sending in advance, as I never travel with luggage.

Dear Henry is particularly anxious that you should be here on Saturday evening. "What a wonderful summer we are having!!! Yours sincerely, The girl found a sheet of the best notepaper on the shelves, and wrote at once. "DEAR LADY DOUGLASS, I shall not be able to come to you next Friday. I am rather busy. "It is indeed a capital summer. I am enjoying it. Yours sincerely,

But nobody would have dared do that without a powerful motive for wishing to communicate secretly with Sofia. She tore the flap and withdrew a single sheet of notepaper penned in a hand she knew too well. Her heart leapt.... I implore you, of your charity, do not condemn me without a hearing because of anything you may have overheard me say.

"It's like a Chinese puzzle," said Lady Prowche resentfully, staring at a scribbled list of names that spread over two or three loose sheets of notepaper on her writing-table. Most of the names had a pencil mark running through them. "What is like a Chinese puzzle?" asked Lena Luddleford briskly; she rather prided herself on being able to grapple with the minor problems of life.

Then, having laid it beside a sheet of notepaper, he began: "MY DEAR IRENE: You must by this time have received the little souvenir I sent, you addressed to the maid. I have shut myself up this evening in order to tell you " The pen here ceased to move. Jacques rose up and began walking up and down the room.

"Would two lunatics make a Contrack like that?" said Carnehan, with subdued pride, showing me a greasy half-sheet of notepaper on which was written the following. I copied it, then and there, as a curiosity This Contract between me and you persuing witnesseth in the name of God Amen and so forth. Signed by you and me this day. Peachey Taliaferro Carnehan. Daniel Dravot. Both Gentlemen at Large.