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Since he was no longer an A B., young Matt concluded he might as well accord himself the respect due him as a ship's officer; so he tacked on the Mister, just to show the Old Man he knew his place. The master noted that; also, the slurring of the sir as only a sailor can slur it. "I shouldn't wonder if you'd do," he remarked as Matt passed him on his way to the forecastle for his dunnage.

"Go on, I don't fear you; remember that," said Ellis quietly; and then hurried on, in the hopes of assisting Ernest to drive the ball on to the goal. The keen eye of Monsieur Malin, who was the master on duty on that afternoon, had observed this little piece of by-play. He noted it, but said nothing at the time.

As he approached the islet he noted with great satisfaction that, so far as he could then see, the place was admirably adapted for the head- quarters of the little party so long as it might be necessary for them to remain in their island prison.

The above prices represent a fair sample of the fall prices of 1908. It should be noted that the 1908 fall prices were relatively somewhat better than the rest of the season. The time of high prices is also the time of the greatest variation in the price of the different grades.

Rainey pointed to Lund, now examining a crack that had opened up in the floe, a possible line of exit for the Karluk, later on. The men were beginning to show on the schooner. They, too, he noted somewhat idly, acted differently this morning.

There is little of interest to be noted in connexion with the stay at Bourbon beyond the steady increase of the population and of trade which had taken place during the century preceding the arrival of the French expedition in 1717. According to Gentil de Barbinais, there were living in the island only 900 free people, amongst whom were no more than six white families, and 1100 slaves.

No suggestion, it will be noted, is made in the overtures to the bishops to give Catholics any not to speak of a proportionate representation on the Councils of the College.

She looked up to the second storey, but, owing to the short distance barely fourteen feet that separated her from the house she could discern nothing, save that the windows on that floor were closely shuttered. She rapidly noted that the door was the third removed from the lamp. Whilst wondering what to do next, a couple of girls approached her. They were young and of course inquisitive.

What position he held under the Prince I was, of course, unaware, but it must have been very close, for the big Russian kept him constantly at the royal side. I noted, too, that the Prince was careful to introduce him to many who were brought up to shake his hand.

He looked around, but no one appeared to understand him, although he noted the horror and disgust on the faces of the new exiles. The girl was blushing deeply at this forced exposition of her person, but she seemed otherwise firm and undaunted. The wretch with the knout grinned, and made some insulting remarks, which his fellow-brutes appeared to enjoy very much.