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"I am sorry that the Transvaal and the Orange Free State are at variance on this point, and I regret that it is the Transvaal which has to declare itself unable to proceed further; but the enemy have concentrated all their forces in this State, and we can hold out no longer." Mr. L. Jacobsz: "I have hitherto not spoken, because I am a non-combatant.

Your father is well, but is very anxious for you, and weeps day and night." "I also have received a letter." The speaker is a Bengali, and, though a surgeon and non-combatant, must have his say. "My brother writes that I am to enlight the names of my ancestors, who were tiger-like warriors, and were called Bahadurs, by performing my duties to utmost satisfaction." This is truly Babu English.

"But I feel quite strong again, father," pleaded Fred. "You are too anxious about me." "Too anxious, my boy? No, I think not. Well, you will have to try and sit your horse again, even if you are a non-combatant." "Which way shall we retreat?" asked Fred. "Retreat? Who said anything about retreat?" cried a stern voice, and General Hedley entered the room.

The good monk had taken advantage of his privilege as a non-combatant to retreat well to the rear while the invitation was being given and declined, and in the succeeding flight found himself leading the van.

People of this description cannot be moved as easily as armies; and hence, when the morning of the fifth day dawned, fully one-half of the non-combatant population was still in the city. This, however, was attributable not only to the inadequacy of the means of transportation, but to the singular apathy it was not fearlessness of the people themselves.

The day before the battle, I told General Pierola I had no objections to following him to the battlefield, but in consideration of being a non-combatant, I asked the privilege of selecting my own course, giving him my word of honor that I would not make any attempt to escape. He was satisfied and gave me a pass allowing the freedom I desired.

This Moore has no status as a regular prisoner of war; he is found on the premises of a non-combatant aiding servile insurrection. Even President Davis himself could not intervene. The Southern people are deeply agitated by Butler's attempts to arouse the negroes. We have been weakened, robbed by the abduction of hundreds right here on the Peninsula.

"Oh, Jim, he was kept a prisoner all through the war, so he never got no enjoyment out of his life, never seeing a bit of real fighting just marching and drilling and prison. So that, as he said, he might just as well never 'a' run away, seeing he had to bide a non-combatant, which is the same as Quaker, after all." "Then he didn't like it, did he?" I asked. "No," Mr.

The besiegers remained non-combatant in their camp, watching Saguntum from afar. The slingers came out in the mornings to exercise their arms by shooting against the wall, but aside from this, and from the arrow-shots with which they replied from the city, there was no further exchange of hostilities between the besiegers and the besieged.

So the enemies were fixed again behind their walls of earth, facing each other across the open, where it was death for any man to expose himself by day. "Will you have a shot, sir?" one of the sentries asked me. "At what?" "Why, at the top of the trench over there, or at anything you see moving," he said. But I did not think that it was an invitation for a non-combatant to accept.