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Capture was precisely what had happened to Dick Prescott. It was not for long that he had remained dazed. Two German soldiers fairly dragged him across No Man's Land, his heels bumping over the rough ground. Dick vaguely knew when the same men lifted him slightly and dropped him, feet first, into the German trench. He fell forward to his knees, and a German non-com raised him to his feet.

"Now, boys," he said, "ready?" "Yes," said Pen; and the keen-looking non-com looked both of them over in turn. "That the best you can do for yourselves?" he said sourly. "Well, I suppose it is. You are clean, and you look as if you had been at work. You, Punchard, can't you let those trousers down a little lower?" "No, sir; I did try last night.

As they left, the intercom buzzed beside the non-com. He answered and gestured to Thane. "Time for you, Mister. Stand up and wait." Two officers of the guard entered. The gold on the uniform of one indicated that he was at least a commander. They took him between them, without a word, and went out. The wind tore at them as they walked across the palace court.

"About-turrn! quick-march!" growled again the bass voice of the senior non-com; and he kept step behind George into the passage. "Here's your transport requisition, Redmond. Now take a tumble to yourself, my lad on this detachment. You're getting what 'Father' don't give to many a second chance. Good-bye!" George gripped the proffered hand and looked full into the kindly, meaning eyes.

I chose those I had seen in action, young, unmarried fellows, and for "non-com," Sergeant Miles, a slender, silent man of thirty, in whom I had implicit confidence. I checked the names over, satisfying myself I had made no mistake. Leaving Miles to notify these fellows, and prepare them for service, I crossed to the colonel's tent in search of the ex-slave. He was easily found.

Tom knew that, notwithstanding his non-combatant status, he was quite justified in drawing his pistol upon this fleeing Boche, but before he had realized this the figure had gone too far to afford him much hope of success with the small weapon which he was not accustomed to. Moreover, just because he was a "non-com" he balked at using it.

The service, horses, and women: these were the chief subjects of conversation. They all appeared to be great riders before the Lord, though had Heppner been questioned in the matter he might have expressed a contrary opinion; but every mounted non-com, thinks it necessary to be a bit of a Munchausen. He would far rather be called a blockhead than be told he cannot ride.

Every officer and every non-com. down the long length of the trench was giving the same advice, and the Turks were allowed to approach until their squat forms loomed clear in the starlight. 'Now let 'em have it. Pump it into 'em, lads! came O'Brien's voice again. With one crash every rifle spoke at once, and at the same time the maxims turned loose their hose-pipe streams of lead.

Sergeant," he addressed the non-com in charge of the detail, "post your detail just outside the door and wait. If anyone approaches with a ah prisoner, admit them." "Yes, sir." The detail filed out. Cowan saw the look of question on the faces of the two pilots. "You are wondering why they are here, eh? Well, they have been sent down from Corps Headquarters to take charge of a prisoner.

"If you're that badly off I'll have an ambulance sent for you," Greg went on. "But I don't understand your feet giving out so suddenly. Take off one of your shoes and the sock." "That may not show much, but I'm suffering just the same, sir," rejoined the non-com in a grumbling tone. "Let me see," Greg insisted.