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"For the love of soup, let's have it," says I. "What's gone wrong now?" "O-o-o la la!" says Leon. "O-o-o la la!" "That's right, sing it if you can't say it," says I. "Parbleu! Nom de Dieu! Les dindons!" he gasps. "Ah, can the ding-dong stuff, Leon," says I, "and let's hear the English of it." "The the turkeys!" he pants out. And that did get a groan out of me.

Did you investigate the canonicity of Shakspeare's various plays? Did you ransack the past to know the value of the latest theory that there never was a Will. Shakspeare save as a nom de plume for Lord Bacon? Did you inquire into the origin of his several plots, and study to know how much of his work was really his own and how much was borrowed from foreign sources.

Just recall Kharkov, a room in Koniakine's hotel, the theatrical manager, Solovieitschik, and a certain lyrical tenor ... At that time you were not yet baroness de ..." "Mais, dites-moi, au nom de dieu, comment vous trouvez vous ici, Mademoiselle Marguerite." "But tell me, in God's name, how you have come to be here, Mademoiselle Marguerite?" "Oh, they ask us about that every day.

This was a mere NOM DE GUERRE; for, like many Indians, he concealed his real name out of some superstitious notion. He was a very noble looking fellow.

But Saint Anthony stopped him by a turn of the wrist and, placing his two powerful hands on his shoulders, he sat him down again so roughly that the chair smashed under him. A wild burst of laughter broke forth, and Anthony, beaming, picked up his pig, acted as though he were dressing his wounds, and exclaimed: "Since you will not eat, you shall drink, nom de Dieu!"

She say to me 'Give it him with your own hand." The Duke received the letter and, sitting upright, tore it to shreds, thus confirming a suspicion which Melisande had conceived at the moment when he took to his heels, that all English noblemen are mad, but mad, and of a madness. "Nom de Dieu," she cried, wringing her hands, "what shall I tell to Mademoiselle?"

"I've seen the pictures in the books, and there's nobody so tall and that looks like him not anywhere since Adam." "Nom de pipe, sometimes-trulee, sometimes, I look up there at where he lives, and I think I see a thousand men on horses ride out of the woods behind his house and down here to gobble us all up. That's the way I feel. It's fancy, but I can't help that."

"What is it that ails you?" he asked. "Look you, this onfall and stratagem of war may not miscarry. Perdition take the fool, it is safe!" "Have I been seeking safety since you knew me?" I asked. "Verily no, and therefore I wonder at you the more; but you have been long sick, and men's minds are changeful. Consider the thing, nom Dieu!

"One word more than I ask you, and I'll blow your brains out. Now, what's your name?" "Justin McKenzie's my name. Fearless Frank generally answers me the purpose of a nom de plume," was the reply. "Very good," and the stranger drew near enough for the Scarlet Boy to perceive that he was clad in buck-skin; well armed; wore a Spanish sombrero, and hair long, down over the square shoulders.

Women nowadays always call men they know well by a PETIT NOM. 'Do I know you well! I often think I never knew you at all. 'That is what Lady Tallant used to say to me, latterly, about you and myself that we never really knew each other. 'Oh, poor Rosamond! It makes me miserable to think of her. You became friends, then latterly?