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The scaur also presents an interesting feature in its round ironstone nodules, half embedded in the smooth rocky floor. Looking northwards there is a grand piece of coast scenery. The masses of Boulby Cliffs, rising 660 feet from the sea, are the highest on the Yorkshire coast.

It consists of brownish and yellow sandstones with calcareous nodules, having sometimes a conglomerate at the base derived from the waste of the Lower Silurian rocks. These May-Hill beds were formerly supposed to be part of the Caradoc formation, but their true position was determined by Professor Sedgwick to be at the base of the Upper Silurian proper.

Secondly, small irregular nodules of the obsidian, either standing separately, or united into thin layers, seldom more than the tenth of an inch in thickness, alternate repeatedly with very thin layers of a feldspathic rock, which is striped with the finest parallel zones of colour, like an agate, and which sometimes passes into the nature of pitchstone; the interstices between the nodules of obsidian are generally filled by soft white matter, resembling pumiceous ashes.

The so-called coprolite bed, found near Farnham, in Surrey, and near Cambridge, contains nodules of phosphate of lime in such abundance as to be largely worked for the manufacture of artificial manure. It belongs to the upper part of the Chloritic series, and is doubtless chiefly of animal origin, and may perhaps be partly coprolitic, derived from the excrement of fish and reptiles. The late Mr.

The nodules or "adventitious joints" were the result of imperfect ossification, or, in other words, of motion before ossification was completed. Analogous to rachitis is achondroplasia, or the so called fetal rickets a disease in which deformity results from an arrest, absence, or perversion of the normal process of enchondral ossification.

On the flat plateaus the occasional rains which fall once in three or four years can effect but little transport of material, and merely lower the general level by dissolving the underlying limestone, so that the plateau surface is left with a coating of nodules and blocks of insoluble flint and chert.

Holley calculates that it equals about 150 tons of bituminous coal, such as is found in the Pittsburg region. In England the favorite source of phosphates of lime is the "Cambridge coprolites." These are small, hard, gray nodules, obtained by washing a stratum, of about one foot in thickness, lying in the upper greensand formation in Cambridgeshire.

Sometimes the primary growth appears in the form of multiple nodules which tend to become confluent. Excision, unless performed early, is of little avail, and in any case should be followed up by exposure to radium. A cicatrix or scar consists of closely packed bundles of white fibres covered by epidermis; the skin glands and hair follicles are usually absent.

The disease may be accompanied by an eruption of nodules, or vesicles on the skin, or nasal mucous membrane. In severe and chronic cases multiple abscesses may form. This complication is indicated by emaciation and weakness. Such cases usually terminate in death. Severe inflammation and swelling in the region of the throat may terminate in strangulation and death.

The ray treatment includes the use of luminous, Röntgen, or radium rays, and possesses the advantage of being comparatively painless and of being followed by the least amount of scarring and deformity. Encouraging results have also been obtained by the application of carbon dioxide snow. #Multiple subcutaneous tuberculous nodules# are met with chiefly in children.