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He was infinitely grateful for one word of kindness. "Why don't you sit down?" he asked. "Nobody's wanting you just now." "I don't mind if I do." He looked at her, but could think of nothing to say; he racked his brains anxiously, seeking for a remark which should keep her by him; he wanted to tell her how much she meant to him; but he did not know how to make love now that he loved in earnest.

Let us accept these apologies; let us agree that you are nobody's enemy but your own; let us agree that you are a sort of moral cripple, impotent for good; and let us regard you with the unmingled pity due to such a fate. But there is one thing to which, on these terms, we can never agree: we can never agree to have you marry.

"I've told Dodey all about you two glad boys," Skinski went on, "and she's for you, ain't you, Dodey?" "You betcher sweet!" Dodo chimed in, with a hungry glance at the cooked stuff. "I told her we had a business meet on here, but if she wanted to squeeze in she wouldn't be in nobody's way," Skinski continued.

It was a remarkably small corner, and so it was nobody's fault but the man's who built the house Sam and the pretty housemaid were necessarily very close together. 'Yes, this is it, said Sam. 'Good-bye! 'Good-bye! said the pretty housemaid. 'Good-bye! said Sam; and as he said it, he dropped the hat that had cost so much trouble in looking for. 'How awkward you are, said the pretty housemaid.

They were neither soldiers nor police. Nominally, he was everybody's dog, and so were they; actually he found himself at the head of a tiny department of his own, because it was nobody's affair to give him orders.

"Will you show me the way there after school is over?" The child looked up into Edith's face with an expression of surprise and doubt. Edith repeated her question. "I guess you'd better not go," was answered, in a voice that meant all the words expressed. "Why not?" "It isn't a good place." "But you live there?" "Yes, but nobody's going to trouble me." "Nor me," said Edith.

When it is everybody's and nobody's duty he is apt to be neglected at one time and overfed at another. Regularity of feeding is one of the secrets of successful dog-keeping. It ought also to be one person's duty to see that he has frequent access to the yard or garden, that he gets plenty of clean drinking water, plenty of outdoor exercise, and a comfortable bed.

Must the father be ruined, and the son hanged, to glut your resentment?" "Damn me, sir, but you may talk your heart out; you shall get nothing of me. I shall never forgive myself for having listened to you for a moment. I will suffer nobody to stop the stream of my resentment; if I ever were to forgive him, it should be at nobody's, entreaty but my own. But, sir, I never will.

Her small boats were in place, but he saw neither life nor movement aboard. She appeared as deserted as a pile of scrap iron. "W'ot are they doin'?" queried Galton. "Nothing." Madden was puzzled over the strange condition of the tug. "Ain't they crowdin' to th' side, sir, lookin' at us and fixin' to come to us?" "Nobody's on her," replied Madden. "At least I don't see anyone." "W'ot! W'ot!

It was the Southern master's real concern, his business interest, that the chattel slave should be kept physically sound; but it is nobody's business to care anything about the wage slave. The children of the chattel slave were valuable property, and so they got plenty to eat, and a happy outdoor life, and medical attention if they fell ill.