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"Do you know, Uncle Charles, Ninny's sister with the wart on her cheek has been to tea? She's in the nursery now. Ninny says she's to have a bite of supper before she goes." "You don't say so?" "And we had buttered toast to tea, and she said you were the most splendid gentleman she ever saw." Charles did not answer.

If the figures should arise and walk across the chapel, changing places with the couple opposite them, as if in a sepulchral quadrille, would the allegory become more intelligible? Could not Day or Night move from Julian's monument, and take up the same position at Lorenzo's tomb, or "Ninny's tomb," or any other tomb? Was Lorenzo any more to Aurora than Julian, that she should weep for him only?

I could not imagine what had happened. "Ninny's mad!" whispered Dunbar; "she's the old girl for making a noise." "Joy! Joy!" bawled out the old woman, now running breathlessly toward us. "The masther's come the masther's come!" "Where? where?" "Jist above in the wood. Goodness gracious! I have run to let you know so fast that my heart is like to break."

"Frankness will often clear up the most obscure matters," said Rodin, sententiously. "After all," said Rose-Pompon, "it's Ninny's fault. Why does he tell me nonsense, that might injure poor Cephyse's lover? You see, sir, it happened in this way. Ninny Moulin who is fond of a joke, saw you just now in the street. The portress told him that your name was Charlemagne.

"Frankness will often clear up the most obscure matters," said Rodin, sententiously. "After all," said Rose-Pompon, "it's Ninny's fault. Why does he tell me nonsense, that might injure poor Cephyse's lover? You see, sir, it happened in this way. Ninny Moulin who is fond of a joke, saw you just now in the street. The portress told him that your name was Charlemagne.

I could not imagine what had happened. "Ninny's mad!" whispered Dunbar; "she's the old girl for making a noise." "Joy! joy!" bawled out the old woman, now running breathlessly towards us. "The masther's come the masther's come!" "Where? where!" "Jist above in the wood. Goodness gracious! I have run to let you know so fast that my heart is like to break."