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As his parting advice, he exhorted Alberick Redgauntlet to make a pilgrimage to Saint Ninian's of Whiteherne, then esteemed a shrine of great sanctity; and departed with a precipitation which might have aggravated, had that been possible, the forlorn state of his unhappy friend. But that seems to have been incapable of admitting any addition.

"But the next morning, a little before the break of day, when all was still, she was seen stealing quietly through the town, in apparent terror of the dogs that were prowling about the street. The last time she was seen on the road was at a toll bar near St. Ninian's; the man stopped her, thinking she was a strayed animal, and that some one would claim her.

It came to Henry suddenly that he was proposing to do what Ninian's Uncle Peter had done: marry a girl who was not of his class. He listened to Ninian and Gilbert as they talked of this intimate mingling of classes, and wondered what they would say if they knew of Sheila. Gilbert and Ninian were agreed that on the whole it was foolish for a man to marry that kind of girl.

Lulu looked at him with parted lips. "Say," she said, "I never thought about it being that." Dwight laughed. "What did you think it was? And whose disgrace is it, pray?" "Ninian's," said Lulu. "Ninian's! Well, he's gone. But you're here. And I'm here. Folks'll feel sorry for you. But the disgrace that'd reflect on me. See?" "But if we don't tell, what'll they think then?"

Behind the scene of this destructive contest, Christianity, having been planted, flourished in peaceful poverty. It grew here and there over Ireland, and in a small portion of the remote part of Scotland; and the distance from the scene of warfare necessary for its safety is shown by the fate of St Ninian's little church in the Mull of Galloway. It was too near the field of strife to live.

When the main body of his army was thus placed in order, the king posted Randolph, with a body of horse, near to the Church of Saint Ninian's, commanding him to use the utmost diligence to prevent any succors from being thrown into Stirling Castle.

Returning to the house after this trip of exploration, Marty was promptly mounted upon the "ghost horse" Nero, and sent to Marion with telegrams for Ninian's expert friends in Los Angeles, and to bring back the mail.

"I mean, I can understand a fellow ragging about with a girl, but I can't understand him marrying her and ... and upsetting things!" It was on the tip of Henry's tongue to say something about Ninian's belief in democracy, for he remembered that Gilbert, in one of his letters, had declared that Ninian had become a I'm-as-good-as-you-and-a-damn-sight-better-politician, but he did not say it.

"Perhaps," he went on, "there are other letters you'd like me to write?" "Yes," she said, "it would be kind of you, Henry!..." There was Ninian's uncle, the Dean of Exebury, and Mr. Hare, with whom he had worked ... they must be told at once ... and there were other relatives, other friends.

They asked him the usual questions, and he replied, rocking all the time with a faint undulating motion of head and shoulders: Warbleton was one of the prettiest little towns that he had ever seen. He liked the people they seemed different. He was sure to like the place, already liked it. Lulu came to the door in Ninian's thin black-and-white gown.